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Makes it look easy
JoelP - 28/5/11 at 10:43 PM

a good video i found:

not bad for 30secs work!

loggyboy - 28/5/11 at 11:01 PM

I like the way half way thru the tape or similar being used to hold the camera up starts to come away!

iank - 29/5/11 at 08:37 AM

Originally posted by JoelP
not bad for 30secs work!

Not bad for 9hrs IMO.

blakep82 - 29/5/11 at 01:34 PM

given a whole load of bits that are all ready to fit, and just need bolting up, i think any of us could do that in 9 hours.

its the finding bits you need done specially, or making up your own looms etc that takes the time. that looks like all the bits are there, ready to be fitted right up.