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All excited!
cerbera - 5/6/12 at 11:06 AM

After months of looking for an R1 powered Fury / Phoenix / Striker finally put a deposit down on this without viewing it

First time I've ever done something like that on impulse, I hope it doesn't bite me on the arse

Ivan - 5/6/12 at 11:27 AM

I would be as well - looks good but others on here might know the car.

jeffw - 5/6/12 at 11:32 AM

Looks lovely, not a car I've seen before.

Proby - 5/6/12 at 11:39 AM

Looks well put together, not seen one in that colour either. Very nice!

welderman - 5/6/12 at 11:41 AM

Looks nice. I had better pull my finger out an Finnish mine.
Happy driving

zilspeed - 5/6/12 at 11:49 AM

Don't think you'll go far wrong there.

It it looks like a neat build, which it does, you've doen very well at that price.

At a cost of £6,500 why would you build one at greater cost ?

ReMan - 5/6/12 at 11:52 AM

That looks cracking and it's home seems none to shabby either
You wont go far wrong there. As said, save for the experience why would you build one

CRAIGR - 5/6/12 at 12:31 PM

Looks a cracker that. Well done.

scoop - 5/6/12 at 12:51 PM

Very nice mate. Looks like money well spent

scootz - 5/6/12 at 01:02 PM

That's purdy!

JekRankin - 5/6/12 at 02:21 PM

Looks great, congrats!

Seeing deals like this makes me wish I'd never started building my own!


PAUL FISHER - 5/6/12 at 02:28 PM

You just can't go wrong with that, bargain!!!, looks a well put together car, love the colour, worth more like £7500 at least, to get a good car sometimes you have to take a small chance on it before someone else gets there, I don't think you will regret it

fullpint - 5/6/12 at 03:21 PM

Very sexy, loving the colour too.
So when do you take delivery? I purchased my Mk Indy without seeing it but tompat (on here) was an honest chap and I'm sure your purchase will be the same mate.

cerbera - 5/6/12 at 03:37 PM

Thanks all for all the kind words. Certainly seemed a bargain to me, so much so I've paid full asking!
The seller is going to put 12 months MOT on it, so all being well I'll be picking her up on Friday.

adithorp - 5/6/12 at 06:33 PM

That looks a very tidy build. Can't say I've ever come across it in the flesh (or should that be GRP? ). Might be worth asking over on the JPSC forum.

The only thing that stands out is the heat wrap on the exhaust. It's often frowned upon as it holds a lot more heat in the exhaust an can lead to trouble. A couple of sidepods have set fire due to it I believe. There's also plenty of others that are wrapped though. Make sure the side pod is lined with heat pad.

cerbera - 5/6/12 at 07:23 PM

Originally posted by adithorp
The only thing that stands out is the heat wrap on the exhaust. It's often frowned upon as it holds a lot more heat in the exhaust an can lead to trouble. A couple of sidepods have set fire due to it I believe. There's also plenty of others that are wrapped though. Make sure the side pod is lined with heat pad.

Thanks for the heads up. It'll be something I ask about and remedy if required.

cerbera - 9/6/12 at 12:32 PM

New toy now safely home, dead chuffed and slightly damp, lovely summer