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Beaver tail or similar.....
pewe - 12/12/13 at 12:28 PM

I haven't seen this website on here before so thought it would be useful to share it.
A mate just shipped his car from Camberley to Cambridge, was charged £100 and impressed by how quickly they collected and delivered.
Given the price of petrol and trailer hire (that's assuming you have a towbar) it seems to make more sense to send it via these guys beavaer tail or similar
Seems like they also ship parcels.
Might also be worth bearing in mind in case they do recovery as they use independents.
Cheers, Pewe10

designer - 12/12/13 at 03:31 PM

I had two cars brought down, one from Ashford (Kent) and the other from Fruges (Pas-de-Calais, North France) down to La Rochelle for £400, including ferry crossing. That was in

dhutch - 13/12/13 at 09:06 AM

Good price isnt it.

Not used it, but as you say, by the time your on trailer hire and petrol money, paying someone whos got the kit and does it day in day out often comes up trumps.
