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I've locked myself out of the car.
morcus - 21/1/14 at 08:29 PM

I'm getting rid of my car tomorrow (Part exing on my new car) but it hadn't run since december so had to jump it. After letting it run for a bit and getting everything else out the button for the internal alarm didn't seem to work so rather than risk it going off locked the doors by hand, had to do them individually as the central locking seems to have cut out. Went back to get my multimeter and the key fob doesn't work (I realised afterwards it probably wants reseting) and the key won't unlock the door.

The car is a 97 vectra 2.5 CDX and I'm sure theres something in the manual about dead locking and using the key in a special way but can't check as the book is in the glove box.

I'm only really getting scrap value for the car but I'd still rather not break the window if there is another way.

T66 - 21/1/14 at 08:34 PM

2 long screwdrivers or better still fine wooden wedges. And a thin stick with a hook formed from fencing wire taped to the end.

Open the top edge of the door with your fingers, and wedge it. Move the wedges as needed to open the gap, then try hooking a door handle or button with your hook.

watsonpj - 21/1/14 at 08:40 PM

as said above I called the AA out a little while ago and thats exactly what they did.

Dusty - 21/1/14 at 08:43 PM

Works on VW and skoda, maybe more. Insert key , turn to unlock and hold it turned and the windows open after a few seconds. (Electric windows obviously!)

morcus - 21/1/14 at 08:49 PM

I might give that a go but I can't see it happening.

I just don't get why the key won't unlock anything as I was under the impression at least one of the locks should operate if the electrics broke, I mean I got in when the battery was completely flat.

jacko - 21/1/14 at 09:06 PM

check to see if the boot lock is in the the right position i think it has to be vertical
i know i had a problem with my vectra one day and it was as above that stopped the other locks working properly
just a idea that may help you

morcus - 21/1/14 at 09:15 PM

Thanks, I'll check that, though I did try and get in through the boot and that didn't work either. I'm not sure if I tried the door again after but it's easy enough to check.

It's times like these I miss my eunos, at least when that thing broke down I could always get in and out.

morcus - 21/1/14 at 09:37 PM

My dad managed to force the key to turn which did open the door, just took alot of force and he said it felt like the plastic on the key was gonna break. Only have to do it one more time though so should be fine.

jacko - 21/1/14 at 09:53 PM

good news then, is the lock seized does it need some oil spraying in it ?

[Edited on 21/1/14 by jacko]