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Where is the Top Gear is crap thread?
jeffw - 9/3/14 at 10:20 PM

Sunday night, hour or so after this episode of Top Gear and there doesn't appear to be a 'Top Gear is Crap' thread. Is this because....

A. People who do these threads did the sensible thing and watched something else or
B. It was good this week.

Discuss !

JoelP - 9/3/14 at 10:36 PM

No one posted a reminder so I forgot to watch it

coozer - 9/3/14 at 11:11 PM

Darts tonight

Andybarbet - 9/3/14 at 11:20 PM

Darts for me too but topgear recorded for future viewing :-)

Simon - 9/3/14 at 11:34 PM

Watched about 5 mins halfway through. Got distracted, forgot what I was doing and did something else instead

The bit I saw was what we see every week - three blokes had to get a vehicle and do something with it. No idea if it was any good cos I didn't see enough.



Mr C - 9/3/14 at 11:39 PM

...three monkeys in cars, ape about, crash cars, fanbois clap, end of..

LBMEFM - 10/3/14 at 05:53 AM

Top Gear is so popular that no one watches it anymore

jeffw - 10/3/14 at 06:24 AM

So option A then lol....

Andy D - 10/3/14 at 07:30 AM

Did anyone watch the banger racing program after top gear? Not sure what to make of the banger racing scene.. I used to watch (and enjoy) proper stock car racing at Aycliffe stadium many years ago, but this was nothing like that.

jeffw - 10/3/14 at 08:52 AM

I watched 10 mins of it....Pikey central !

mitch2b - 10/3/14 at 08:56 AM

agree with above, seemed to be pikeys with trouble stringing a sentence together,

Irony - 10/3/14 at 09:19 AM

I was working on the car.

r1_pete - 10/3/14 at 10:11 AM

Last nights was a total waste of disc space on the Sky + box!!

I'm guessing next weeks will be as bad, 3 idiots playing with bits of trees and falling in a river....

Shorty - 10/3/14 at 10:26 AM

Top gear was poor. One of those "specials"
As for the banger racing, people entering with the sole purpose of crashing seems stupid and a complete waste of time to me

scootz - 10/3/14 at 10:46 AM

The Top Gear 'special' was absolutely awful. One of the worst I've ever seen.. So bad, I switched it off after 20 mins or so.

Utter tripe!

jacko - 10/3/14 at 10:46 AM

Dose not look good for me then as i thought both programs were good

theduck - 10/3/14 at 10:52 AM

I also thought both shows were good. Though the banger racing was eye opening! I always thought it was racing with contact allowed, not lets go and see how big a crash we can have.

steve m - 10/3/14 at 12:51 PM

Its An "A" for me

and the banger racing was a tad weird, and very Pikey driven plus letting 11 yr olds drive round a track, must give them the wrong message, so i wonder how may of them drive illegaly on the road ?

At one point in the prog we see a younster move a silver van a few feet, so his father can open the rear doors
looked like a public road to me


JC - 10/3/14 at 01:48 PM

Top Gear was worth persevering with this week, just for the Horse Riding...

scootz - 10/3/14 at 02:10 PM

I couldn't get past the bit where JC was operating the boom and the typical 'chaos' ensued. Maybe if I'd not seen it happen tens-of-dozens of times before...

I just found it incredibly unfunny. In fact, I found it irritating!

I've said it a few times before - they took a wrong turn about 10 years ago by deciding to focus more and more on contrived schoolboy slapstick. They got it wrong. It hasn't worked. They've effectively killed a rock-solid winning-formula that was a huge success across the globe. Great cars, beautiful camera work, and subtle natural 'guy' humour. All that's gone and although they can occasionaly retrieve it for a short segment of the odd show, I don't think it will fully recover.


As for Hammond... nah, I'll leave it as I'm irritated enough!

geoff shep - 10/3/14 at 02:38 PM

Originally posted by steve m

At one point in the prog we see a younster move a silver van a few feet, so his father can open the rear doors
looked like a public road to me

Not sure about the van, but he drove the car off a trailer and into the driveway - definitely on the road there.

If you accept that TopGear is now just an entertainment programme then it wasn't too bad. Obviously contrived, like apparently taking the wrong road but strangely arriving at the pre-booked 'hotel', but interesting stuff about Burma. Like right hand drive vehicles but driving on the right - made getting off the bus a bit sporty.

Mr C - 10/3/14 at 02:42 PM

Originally posted by mitch2b
agree with above, seemed to be pikeys with trouble stringing a sentence together,

Totally agree and the banger racing programme wasn't much better either....