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Engine Modification Info Req
myke pocock - 8/6/14 at 08:16 PM

Can someon tell me what is needed to run your car on Fairy Dust? I have seen a number of cars around with 'Powered by Fairy Dust' on the back and if its cheaper than petrol I want in!!!
Oh, and by the way, why do I need to be told their is a 'Baby On Board' and the flaming Royal family must be increasing in number as there are loads of 'Princess On Board' also. No wonder the country is in queer street if we are shelling out for more of them.

[Edited on 8/6/14 by myke pocock]

blakep82 - 8/6/14 at 08:28 PM

Eye lashes stuck to the lights, and powered by fairy dust are clear signs of the people who are willing to sacrifice themselves, or be sacrificed in the impending event of a zombie apocalypse

Thats how I understand it anyway

ali f27 - 8/6/14 at 08:43 PM

Fairy dust must be something the french have developed seems a lot of clios run on it

Dick Axtell - 8/6/14 at 08:58 PM

Dunno 'bout Fairy Dust, but I recall seeing an old-ish Land Rover with a plate on back, stating it was fitted with a Fairey Overdrive!

[Edited on 8/6/14 by Dick Axtell]

Bigheppy - 8/6/14 at 09:03 PM

'Baby On Board' This must be tantamount to child cruelty at the very least. It should also be reported to the police as all children should be in a properley fitting child seat.

[Edited on 8/6/14 by Bigheppy]

snapper - 9/6/14 at 05:58 AM

I think the first stage is to paint your car pink
Then if my observations are correct you need breast implants

whitestu - 9/6/14 at 08:26 AM

The 'Baby on Board' stickers are a bit like a blue badge in that they allow lazy people with no kids to park in the kids spaces at supermarkets.

steve m - 9/6/14 at 11:26 AM

My fav bumper sticker is " Im not drunk, just avoiding potholes"