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get car reg from google maps
02GF74 - 17/6/14 at 08:18 PM

a long shot but anyone tried or know if it is possible to get a car reg from google maps street view?

As you know, faces of people and car number plates are pixellated but would google have the original images? (Yes I will contact them once I've found my gmail login details but thought I'd ask here first).

Am I likely to get the information via the data protection act? (the car was parked on our shared drive)

How difficult is it to get a car reg for a known make/model/colour of car but knowing only the first 2 letters and the last letter? (approx 40,000 possible combination )

morcus - 17/6/14 at 08:53 PM

I wouldn't count on it but depending on why you want to know there are ways to find out, or at least narrow the search.

Sometimes it's possible through mucking about with the angles and zoom on the pictures to find a shot where it's not blurred, but I think they're getting better at removing them.

The easiest way though would be to keep an eye out when driving around.

02GF74 - 17/6/14 at 09:06 PM

I wont see it again.

Neighbour had sideline business selling cars.

I know name addresses but i doubt that without access to dvla computa i will get far.

bi22le - 17/6/14 at 10:08 PM

If you know a policeman that is your best bet.

I have a few friends and one did a search once on the national database for me.