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Joining no claims bonus
tegwin - 23/6/14 at 12:44 PM

Why is it insurance companies do everything to make life difficult?

I have 3 years NCB currently in use on my daily driver... I also have 1 years NCB from a now finished insurance policy for the TVR.

When I bought my landrover policy with Adrian f**ks I told them I had 4 years NCB so they applied a suitable discount (in the understanding that the NCB was in use elsewhere).

I sent them evidence and they now come back to me asking for more money because I only have 3 years NCB. Apparently they can't add the NCB from the two policies to give me 4 years... How the heck does that work?

Can you not build up NCB on two policies and then combine them?

mcerd1 - 23/6/14 at 12:49 PM

Originally posted by tegwin
Can you not build up NCB on two policies and then combine them?

I don't know any insurer who would allow that (if they are running concurrently then the don't seem to count)

I know some will give you a discount on a new policy for second car if you keep the first car with them as well - but as soon as you move the second car to a new insurance company they only count the years you actually had (regardless of what discount you previously had)

coyoteboy - 23/6/14 at 12:49 PM

Not that I'm aware of, no, all the small print I've ever read says it's only applicable to one policy at a time and only one on any one car. Otherwise you could have 2 years driving experience and 4 years NCB just by insuring and putting a car in a garage, which would be nonsense.

I don't like NCB rules but TBH I think you were clutching at straws when you thought that would work.

I usually get mirrored NCD from my main policy to my second car (14 years!) but that's at their discretion, I can't then claim it next time I try to insure one.

[Edited on 23/6/14 by coyoteboy]

tegwin - 23/6/14 at 12:52 PM

Hmm... genuinly thought it would... but thinking about it I guess it makes sense why it wouldn't..

I suppose I could use the 1 years NCB to start another policy from scratch,..

stevebubs - 23/6/14 at 01:18 PM

Originally posted by tegwin
Hmm... genuinly thought it would... but thinking about it I guess it makes sense why it wouldn't..

I suppose I could use the 1 years NCB to start another policy from scratch,.. could use the 1yr NCB on one car, and the 3yrs on another.

Similarly you could alternate the usage of the NCB each year - so next year you could have 4yr + 1yr, the year after 4yr + 2yr etc etc


Slimy38 - 23/6/14 at 07:17 PM

It's one reason why I'm keeping my bike. The NCB I've build up on the bike is useless on anything other than a bike, so even though I'm building a car and keeping my tintop, I'll have to start a third set of NCB with the kit car.

But don't forget, penalties, claims and endorsements ARE added to all policies whether that was the vehicle in question or not...Aren't insurance companies nice?

jps - 23/6/14 at 09:56 PM

Originally posted by Slimy38
It's one reason why I'm keeping my bike. The NCB I've build up on the bike is useless on anything other than a bike

Not in my experience, I had a Vespa for a few years when was in my late teens and moved across the NCB to car insurance no problem...