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Car body dipping - anyone had it done?
nick205 - 7/7/14 at 12:59 PM

Has anyone had a tin top car body dipped and coated?

It appeals enormously in terms of the process and finish, but I have read some stories of body seams subsequently leaking trapped acid and damaging the paint finish.

brookie - 7/7/14 at 07:08 PM

yep a few years ago ,an old mk1 astra gte

nick205 - 7/7/14 at 09:28 PM

How did it go?

Did you get it dipped then carry out repairs, then dipped again and finished?

Any pics of the stages?

brookie - 8/7/14 at 06:08 PM

had it dipped did all work then primed the car and had it sprayed no photos sorry