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2001 toyota landcruiser obd port?
dave r - 2/12/14 at 06:42 PM

any idea where the obd port on a landcruiser is ?

sure they should have one on a 2001

Dick - 2/12/14 at 06:48 PM

They did not have one

big_wasa - 2/12/14 at 07:59 PM

Diesels where not forced to have it until 2004

bart - 2/12/14 at 08:16 PM

some have a plug on top of the engine right hand side
I think they are flash code cant remember.

dave r - 2/12/14 at 08:33 PM

thanks ;(

theprisioner - 2/12/14 at 10:10 PM

There is an android app called ODB connector that is how I found the misus's one.

tegwin - 3/12/14 at 02:06 PM

Originally posted by theprisioner
........ODB connector that is how I found the misus's one.

I wish all woman came with diagnostic ports!!

bart - 3/12/14 at 02:28 PM

dont need one
all my wifes fault codes say the same thing
"your fault"

[Edited on 3/12/14 by bart]

Trollyjack - 3/12/14 at 03:34 PM

Originally posted by tegwin
Originally posted by theprisioner
........ODB connector that is how I found the misus's one.

I wish all woman came with diagnostic ports!!

They do it's called a FAT ATM