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Journey to Le Mans
David Jenkins - 4/12/14 at 06:48 PM

On tonight, 8:00pm, ITV4

(just a heads-up)

LBMEFM - 4/12/14 at 07:16 PM

Thanks for that heads up, sounds good. Barry

David Jenkins - 4/12/14 at 08:59 PM

Well, that was entertaining! A good production, no gimmicky production nonsense, just a good programme.

If you missed it, look out for repeats - it's worth it.

Madinventions - 5/12/14 at 01:23 PM episode-1-journey-to-le-mans

steve m - 5/12/14 at 07:48 PM

Just watched it, and as said above, its a very good production