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how to securely pay for a vehicle in USA?
fha772 - 9/12/14 at 09:27 PM

Hi all,

I've been looking at possibly buying a vehicle from the USA.
But I'm not sure what would be the best and safest way to pay when it's a private sale, not a dealer selling it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Cheers Frank.

austin man - 9/12/14 at 11:11 PM

I think most get a third party involved Frank there are agent in the US that will view the vehicle supply reports etc

Canada EH! - 10/12/14 at 02:03 AM

One other thing to be aware of, US Customs have to be notified 72 hrs. before a vehicle can be taken out of the country due to sale to another country. Many Canadians get tripped up by this and end up spending an extra 72 hrs. in the States.

nick205 - 10/12/14 at 09:27 AM

I'd be looking for an agent to handle the transaction and help with export etc.

Ugg10 - 10/12/14 at 10:18 AM

I drive past these guys every day and they seem to have regular deliveries of cars of a US nature - maybe worth a call to see how they go about it or if they can help -

r1_pete - 10/12/14 at 10:26 AM

Try AP Incorporated / California Connection, they may well be able to do the whole thing for you on a commission basis, they are Matlock based too..