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What's it worth. Exhaust Gas Analyzer
Irony - 15/10/15 at 06:28 PM

This has come my way from a local business that is shutting up shop. No idea what its worth. Any ideas?

HowardB - 15/10/15 at 06:47 PM

lend it out to the LCB massive,...

good karma in exchange

steve m - 15/10/15 at 06:50 PM

^^^ too right, as many an IVA newbie has failed on emissions

I would imagine any kit car friendly garage would want this kit

Irony - 15/10/15 at 06:59 PM

I have no problem with keeping it and lending it to anyone who wants to use it from LCB. Its quite big though so 'local pickup only'.

If someone did want to borrow it I might ask for a completely refundable deposit.

Irony - 15/10/15 at 07:05 PM

Ooooops forgot to post a picture


joneh - 15/10/15 at 08:22 PM

Can it be towed behind a VW for real life testing?

PorkChop - 15/10/15 at 09:55 PM

When was it last calibrated? I've worked quite a lot with various bits of analytical kit, without some idea of calibration it'll be less use than a chocolate teapot for figuring out if you can rely on the readings you'll see.

A calibration is not something you'll likely be able to do at home either, purely due to the gases you'll need.

owelly - 15/10/15 at 11:13 PM

I use response test gasses to check analysers and meters at work but you'll still need to calibrate the machine.

russbost - 16/10/15 at 09:26 AM

Would have thought you could get a calibration sufficiently accurate to know whether something is a definite pass or a definite fail simply by comparing with results taken from known cars compared to that given by the last MoT. After all you'd never want to set something so that it is "just about" a pass

Irony - 16/10/15 at 11:24 AM

Apparently it was in use the day before the business closed so it must be fairly accurate. There must be a way to calibrate them.

Theshed - 16/10/15 at 12:28 PM

I had one once and the instructions told me how to calibrate against air in the atmosphere - with its known percentages of co and co2 etc

Clearly two test points would be better.