sense 3d scanner
Volvorsport - 7/11/15 at 08:00 PM
I was just looking at some 3d scanners and this will do quite a big volume . I wonder if anybody has one or used one to make a cad model and drawings
from it.
MK9R - 7/11/15 at 08:19 PM
Originally posted by Volvorsport
I was just looking at some 3d scanners and this will do quite a big volume . I wonder if anybody has one or used one to make a cad model and drawings
from it.
Not used the sense one but have used a xbox 360 kinect sensor (same sort of thing) and some software call skanex. Results are ok, but you need the
right conditions. All these types of scanners work on reflection so different colours and textures affect the result. I tried to scan my car but it
would not see white, especially shiney white. It also isn't keen on black either. The white effect also effects when you have a bright light
shining onto the object, the scanner doesn't like the highlight reflection (the bright bit you get on a surface in direct view).
I have now scanned the mould of the car in as it's a matt pink and scanned well.
But what ever you do scan or how ever good it is, you will have to remodel it properly with CAD software of you want to manipulate it. The output of
all these scanners are STLs or similiar types of non geometric objects, it's a 3d photo rather than a proper CAD crated geometric object.
It's a great way to get something into your CAD system but it needs work to get it to stage you can actually do something with it other than
looking at it.
Hope that helps
Rosco86 - 7/11/15 at 09:43 PM
Just to mention we use crack test detection powder to take the shine off objects when scanning, it comes in a spray can and washes off easy
Volvorsport - 7/11/15 at 10:29 PM
We have a laser scanner at work. It's mega expensive tho and has the best software. As long as the shape is sufficiently accurate from the scan
you can post process the mesh etc . It's the dimensioning aspect that's the most important for me. Hence my noob style question..