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RING Boost Pack Charger info
ash_hammond - 12/1/16 at 03:36 PM

Hi Gents.

I have one of the following boost packs from Ring.

The charger has been lost. Does anyone have one so they can tell me the output of the charger plus the diameter of the barrel back so i can order one from ebay.


PSpirine - 12/1/16 at 05:14 PM

I've used a 12v drill charger for mine (same RING model)...

To be honest any brick with a ~6mm (can't remember exact size but I had loads that fit) connector that outputs 13.5-15v ish should do (that's what it would see when plugged into the car via fag adapter).

ash_hammond - 12/1/16 at 05:20 PM

If you could measure it that would be appreciated...

Don't have any spare kicking around that fit. It's been sitting around for ages so i don't want to waste the money on an original one if the unit is caput!


hizzi - 12/1/16 at 07:40 PM

I back charge my pack with a standard car charger through the croc clips

ash_hammond - 12/1/16 at 09:25 PM

crock clips to crock clips with a normal battery charger??

hizzi - 12/1/16 at 09:32 PM

yes works a treat, just make sure your pack is switched on, mine has a switch that isolates the croc clips when not in use, its probably not the politically correct method but has worked for me for the last few years, also charges the pack better

ash_hammond - 12/1/16 at 09:38 PM

Cool thanks for the idea.

It has not been used for over 10 years, there is power there as the compressors runs, but i dont want to invest any serious money if the battery is DOA.


steve m - 12/1/16 at 10:30 PM

I had a 20k garage fire ," because I may of plugged the wrong item into something "
so would it be sensible to plug anything into the charger , without knowing it was compatible ??

I know now, I wouldnt

Originally posted by PSpirine
I've used a 12v drill charger for mine (same RING model)...

To be honest any brick with a ~6mm (can't remember exact size but I had loads that fit) connector that outputs 13.5-15v ish should do (that's what it would see when plugged into the car via fag adapter).

ash_hammond - 13/1/16 at 01:47 PM

^^ Agreed. First few time i wont certainly not leave it unattended.