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How to show a photogragh on a post
sonic - 19/5/16 at 08:54 PM

As above, cannot figure out how you add a photo to a post

loggyboy - 19/5/16 at 09:15 PM

If you want to do it from this sites photo archive:

Got you photo archive - (link just below the logo at the top of the page)
click on the photo you want to post.
At the top of the photo are 2 boxes, one contains a PG reference, the other an IMG.
If you copy and paste the PG box you will get a thumbnail like so:

[pg ]90999[/ pg] - remove the spaces and you get:


If you copy the IMG one:

[img ][/ img] again, remove the spaces and you get:

If you are wanting to post pics from another site, you need the URL (must end with a .jpg or similar image based file name (.gif, .bmp etc)) and put that between the img brackets as above.

coozer - 19/5/16 at 09:24 PM

If you want to post from another website or photo dump you need the URL like this

Then stick that in between these [ img] inhere. [/ img ] Without the gaps..

And you get this....

[Edited on 19/5/16 by coozer]

sonic - 19/5/16 at 09:32 PM

Thanks guy's sussed it out now