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Flattish, rigid air intake tube?
pewe - 27/6/16 at 06:51 PM

Finally on the hairdressers I'm looking at intercooling the supercharger.
Problem is to run the pipework means going underneath the water rad (long way round) or over the top (short way round).
I'd rather go over the top but this normally means chopping great chunks out of the bonnet underside which to me doesn't seem right as a) it ends up looking like a bodge and b) it must affect the bonnet strength.
So apart from SAAB Turbos does anyone know if there's a vehicle which uses rigid, flat or oval tubing for the intercooler pipework
- even a relatively short section would be worth considering?
Alternative suggestions welcome.
Cheers, Pewe10

Slimy38 - 27/6/16 at 06:58 PM

Several of the Vauxhall turbo cars do...

pewe - 27/6/16 at 07:36 PM

Slimy, that's what I'm after, ta.
Any models I'm likely to find in the local scrappie?
Cheers, Pewe10

Slimy38 - 27/6/16 at 07:39 PM

Originally posted by pewe
Slimy, that's what I'm after, ta.
Any models I'm likely to find in the local scrappie?
Cheers, Pewe10

Not in the scrappers, but I believe that the 'overpipe' is sometimes removed in favour of a more direct route;

Assuming the discarded pipe is the bit you're after, it might be worth posting a request on one of the Vauxhall websites to see if someone will sell you their waste parts?

pewe - 27/6/16 at 07:54 PM

Star that you are, Slimy - just bought one for not much on fleabay.
I'll worry about the second one when I've worked out if it will fit.
Thanks, Pewe10