Never thought to mention this on the Locostbuilders site before. My club, Fell Side Auto Club, organize The Northern Classic Trial for cars and bikes every year and next year its on the 18th February. It is a round of a national championship and gets entries from across the country, usually around 65 in total. If you don't know anything about classic trialing try this Our web site is at There are loads of youtube videos of trialing with some from our own trial. I am Clerk of the Course and Marshals Co-ordinator and am always looking to recruit marshals for the event. If anyone is in the area and fancies a day out in the North Lakes forest marshaling please send me a message and I will get in touch with more details.
Hi, where abouts is the Northern Classic trial held? Is it open for spectators?
It is mostly held in Wythop, Hobcarton and Setmurthy Forests with 3 other sections outside the forests. If you send me a message with your contact details I can give you a few locations. You will need to walk in to forest sections as there's no spectator vehicle access. Alternatively why not marshal and get in amongst the action?
Should of said that the forests are in North Cumbria. Start/finish venue is in Wigton.
Thanks, I've put it in my planner, I work funny shifts (funny awkard, not funny ha ha!)
I'd love to come, I'll have to see if I'm free closer to the time