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It's been 15 months...
myke pocock - 28/12/16 at 10:59 PM

Er, no it aint. I have donated recently but getting a message to remind me to donate!!!

coozer - 29/12/16 at 02:04 PM

Me n all....

ChrisW - 29/12/16 at 03:17 PM

Did you donate during the period when the automatic updates were broken? If so, the date of last donation will not have been updated in the database, but you can safely hit 'not now' with no ill effects.


myke pocock - 30/12/16 at 09:37 AM

So for those who DONT donate what are the "ill effects" then?

slingshot2000 - 30/12/16 at 09:53 AM

You will never get access to the shop