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Could anyone do me a bit of photoshopping?
r1_pete - 27/4/17 at 01:52 PM

Maybe I'm having some sort of crisis, but I recently thought a pair of side exhausts on my 944 would be quite cool in a 1970s sort of way.....

Could anyone with photoshop skills take the pipes off the Corvette below, and superimpose them on the 944, to see what it would look like??



tims31 - 27/4/17 at 02:03 PM

Something like this


r1_pete - 27/4/17 at 02:08 PM

Just the job, thank you

nick205 - 27/4/17 at 02:29 PM

Like the Corvette and the Porsche, but not such a fan of the side pipes on the Porsche myself.

Angel Acevedo - 2/5/17 at 02:58 PM

Are you looking for serious branding on your legs?
and/or hands on a blunder...

02GF74 - 3/5/17 at 12:57 PM

Please fit them then post back saying you can't open the doors

r1_pete - 3/5/17 at 05:07 PM

I think its going to get conventional rear exit pipes, it was a bit of a 70s moment thinking about sidepipes.

I'll go for the plain stock look as per my original idea, so only the sound gives the game away...