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Rod Ends - 2/12/17 at 06:45 PM


shindha - 2/12/17 at 08:33 PM

dribble dribble all that shiny metal

loggyboy - 2/12/17 at 08:57 PM

Could easily fit a larger garage in there.

NigeEss - 2/12/17 at 09:54 PM

Jealous, jealous, jealous.

Oh, did I mention I'm a bit jealous ?

bi22le - 3/12/17 at 10:44 AM

I hope he has a glass floor so he can look down on his art!

steve m - 3/12/17 at 05:19 PM

There was a thread years ago about some fantastic garages,

I will have a look for it

steve m - 3/12/17 at 05:23 PM

not that im jealous one bit

ettore bugatti - 3/12/17 at 06:24 PM

nick205 - 4/12/17 at 04:34 PM

Very nice indeed!

Ditto on the glass floor so you can see the machinery better.