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Computer voice over for Youtube
Mr Whippy - 31/3/24 at 11:50 AM

It's somewhat funny but if you've ever done a voice over for a youtube vid, then you'll know it is so much harder than it looks maybe I need a good drink before hand but it's non stop frustration... not so much bloopers as total F&$k up!

Then I started looking at AI voice overs, now like a lot of people I do hate a crappy computer voice, they just suck! Often they mispronounce the most basic words, then comments are full of people just correcting them. I can only think that these vids are made in China or the like where they don't even realise they have goofed up. However I've come across a few sites that have some amazingly good voices from text. I fact I now realise at a lot of science videos I've been watching are in fact voiced over by a computer and I didn't even realise it! how did I find out? Well I've come across the exact same voices

So what do you think, would you use a good AI voice over or do a crappy half baked real life commentary.

[Edited on 31/3/24 by Mr Whippy]

Slimy38 - 31/3/24 at 06:18 PM

Unfortunately my accent completely prohibits me from using any kind of real life commentary, for once AI is actually a good thing!

(In case you were wondering, I spent the first few year of my adult life being compared to Mark Williams, AKA 'we wanna be together'... )

Mr Whippy - 31/3/24 at 06:26 PM

Originally posted by Slimy38
Unfortunately my accent completely prohibits me from using any kind of real life commentary, for once AI is actually a good thing!

(In case you were wondering, I spent the first few year of my adult life being compared to Mark Williams, AKA 'we wanna be together'... )

Yeah I remember that ad, my sisters met him after Harry Potter. I'm in the same boat but with a strong Inverness shire/Aberdonian accent with a bad habit of lazy local slang so that no one outside my area will have clue what I'm saying

I think that may be part of the problem as I'm trying to speak "properly" and so can't speak naturally, and then over think things only then make a mess of what I was trying to's a shambles

[Edited on 31/3/24 by Mr Whippy]

gremlin1234 - 31/3/24 at 07:27 PM

if you want to experiment, vidnoz is free for generating up to 3 minutes per day. it can even make free talking pictures of the same length. lots of paid options too,

Mr Whippy - 31/3/24 at 08:38 PM

cheers I will have a look at that

David Jenkins - 2/4/24 at 06:42 PM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
It's somewhat funny but if you've ever done a voice over for a youtube vid, then you'll know it is so much harder than it looks maybe I need a good drink before hand but it's non stop frustration... not so much bloopers as total F&$k up!

This doesn't help with what you want, but if you like to amuse yourself watching some excellent bloopers, take a look at this YouTube channel.

Cutting Edge Engineering

They do some really awe-inspiring engineering on earth-mover and digger parts - well worth a look - but the bloopers come at the end... keep the kiddies away if you don't want them to hear swearing!

bi22le - 9/4/24 at 03:26 PM

Ha ha this is funny, as I was recording some intro outro and voice overs a week or so back for my new channel. Its hard work.

I found it harder when someone else was with me videoing. I didn't think as freely and it took more effort than needed! The additional problem is my "cameraman" is my friend who is doing all the editing etc and he is a slick operator. So he was saying the kind of thing that I needed to say and then I was trying to say it but in my own way. Its tough, but practice and many many takes will get there in the end. . . plus some clever editing!!

Good luck.

Let us know your channel and we can all take a look. Ill certainly be advertising mine on here when it certainly launches.

bi22le - 9/4/24 at 03:28 PM

Regarding accent, I have a London Essex Australian accent. Depending on where in the world you are from. Luckily I have to posh up my accent for work when talking technical to non-technical folk, so I can speak clearly when I need to but often slip once in the flow!

Mr Whippy - 9/4/24 at 03:40 PM

yeah it's not easy.

I'll post a link once I have managed to sort it out

coyoteboy - 9/4/24 at 06:29 PM

All the good channels are scripted and use their real voice. Even with mistakes and funny local accents, it's far more human and engaging.

Mr Whippy - 10/4/24 at 06:34 AM

Originally posted by coyoteboy
All the good channels are scripted and use their real voice. Even with mistakes and funny local accents, it's far more human and engaging.

Yes, I do agree, I'll try both methods and pick the best.

bi22le - 10/4/24 at 12:01 PM

I don't script mine, I think it shows . . . .

David Jenkins - 11/4/24 at 10:58 AM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
Yeah I remember that ad, my sisters met him after Harry Potter. I'm in the same boat but with a strong Inverness shire/Aberdonian accent with a bad habit of lazy local slang so that no one outside my area will have clue what I'm saying

My brother's family lived near Nairn for a while and, when I went to my nephew's wedding, it turned out that his bride's family were originally from Aberdeenshire. At the reception we sat next to some of her relatives - and totally failed to understand a word they said!

My brother's accent is a mix of Welsh, English and Scottish, and my sister-in-law is pure Inverness/Nairn - and she has quite a soft "posh" accent. Now my brother and his wife live in Dornoch, my nephew and his family live on the Orkney Islands, and my Niece lives north of Blairgowrie. I need a phrasebook, I think...

Mr Whippy - 11/4/24 at 11:33 AM

Many years ago when I stayed in Inverness, me and my dad went over to Aberdeen to look at a JCB digger which was being sold by a farmer who spoke with a very thick Aberdonian accent. Afterwards I turned to my dad and said did you understand anything he said cos I couldn't? My dad replied Nope! We never bought that digger...