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Vin Number Help
TKPM - 19/9/16 at 01:02 PM

Someone please help me ,

I'm trying to get hold of DVLA so I can get a VIN number.
I've tried ringing them, but just get left on hold,
I can't find a current address to write to them and I can't get anywhere online either.
And my local office is a 5+ hours round trip away

Any info would be of help.


[Edited on 19/9/16 by TKPM]

gremlin1234 - 19/9/16 at 01:38 PM

you need the kits and rebuilds dept at dvla.


Vehicle identification number Your vehicle needs a vehicle identification number (VIN) before having an IVA inspection. Apply to DVLA if it doesn’t have one. K and R DVLA Swansea SA99 1ZZ

edit bold.

[Edited on 19/9/16 by gremlin1234]

TKPM - 19/9/16 at 03:18 PM

Thanks Gremlin

loggyboy - 19/9/16 at 04:08 PM

Originally posted by TKPM
And my local office is a 5+ hours round trip away

Not anymore it isnt - its an infinite round trip as they don't exist!

TKPM - 19/9/16 at 05:27 PM

My local is Swansea, in a straight line it's only 50 miles, by road its 175 miles.

I have now been given the correct phone number and I have spoken to them, just waiting on some forms.

Thank you all

prawnabie - 19/9/16 at 06:30 PM

Swansea will just put a SAE in your hand and turn you away, unfortunately we have no choice but to go through the motions