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Lighting based Rant
zilspeed - 20/11/09 at 05:32 PM

People have too much choice these days.

The car manufacturers fit an array of lights to cars and the single celled organisms that drive them think that because there is more than one permutation available for the lights then they have a choice.

Side Lights
Side lights with fog lights.
Dipped beams.
Dipped beams with fog lights.
Main beam.
F*ck all.

Why on earth do so many people (certainly around these parts) think that driving around in the half gloom with sidelights on, or God forbid, sidelights and front fogs is acceptable ?

After the revolution, I will have a loaded gun. If you're caught in a moving vehicle when lights are required (You can work this out for yourself) anyone caught getting it wrong will be stopped. A single bullet between the eyes will suffice. Families will not be informed. Cars will be crushed. Problem solved.

Is it just the west of Scotland, or is this sort of stupdity happening all over the country now ?

No wonder I hate driving.

MikeR - 20/11/09 at 05:44 PM

I have to admit to never switching my lights on ..... my car does it for me!

Its a fab invention. As soon as its a little gloomy, i've got lights. Yeah ok, my cars not that bright and turns them on in 20m tunnels but still, you can't have everything

flibble - 20/11/09 at 05:47 PM

While you're dealing out your justice feel free to spare some time to pop down to the south east and sit at a roundabout dispensing similar punishments with the indicators being the point of focus plz

coozer - 20/11/09 at 06:09 PM

Yep, I'm with you John, boils my wee seeing nuggets driving around with front fog lights on. I thought it was illegal to have them on if it's not foggy.

It seems to have taken off a lot round here lately and I always give them full beam as they are coming towards me

prawnabie - 20/11/09 at 06:11 PM

Originally posted by MikeR
I have to admit to never switching my lights on ..... my car does it for me!

Its a fab invention. As soon as its a little gloomy, i've got lights. Yeah ok, my cars not that bright and turns them on in 20m tunnels but still, you can't have everything

But thats technically not your car is it mike

scotlad - 20/11/09 at 06:31 PM

East of Scotland the same Zill- and it drives me mental too!!!!!!

Xtreme Kermit - 20/11/09 at 08:06 PM

Have to agree about people using parking (not side) lights to drive on - but (sits back and waits for flame storm)

What is wrong with front fog lights?

If they are properly adjusted, becuase they have a flat beam pattern which is only designed to illuminate the road for a short and wide area, they should dazzle no-one.


roadrunner - 20/11/09 at 08:14 PM

Originally posted by Xtreme Kermit
Have to agree about people using parking (not side) lights to drive on - but (sits back and waits for flame storm)

What is wrong with front fog lights?

If they are properly adjusted, becuase they have a flat beam pattern which is only designed to illuminate the road for a short and wide area, they should dazzle no-one.


When it's dark and you either get someone heading your way with headlamps on and fog lamps on, then they get the full beam for the last 20meters before they pass. If someone comes up behind me with both lights ablaze then my rear fog lights go on until they switch fogs off. there's just no need.

Xtreme Kermit - 20/11/09 at 08:17 PM

Got to agree with this in full darkness.


Moorron - 20/11/09 at 10:34 PM

yep does my nut into, i finish work at 4 so its 'dark' from my point of view yet around 10% of other cars think its fine to drive with no lights on at all.

Then you have the side light/fog light bunch. Which if its a boy racer i understand (but still hate) yet it seems to be everyone. My thinking its because many new cheap cars now come with these fitted so the idiots thing they have to use them.

Living in telford which is all islands im fustrated with the non indicator bunch too, fine do it when no ones around but not when others are stopping for you to then turn off.

im getting to the end of my sanity. i tried the 'well im not going to indicate either' but i felt like i was driving without my belt on and just couldnt do it. Also my tin top hase 6 spot lights and im so close to just hitting full beam and ignoring everyones safety for my own slightly clearer vision.

I do sometimes hold the flash on to oncomming 'fog lighters' but they just flash back! lol

Chippy - 20/11/09 at 10:41 PM

Same down here, the local chavs all drive with there front fogs on, and as far as I know it is illegal to do it when no fog. Drives me to drink, (or was that the Mrs??) Cheers Ray

Dingz - 21/11/09 at 12:49 AM


What is wrong with front fog lights?

Nothing, you can use them in fog, heavy rain or falling snow. otherwise they are too low to use. Thats why your headlights have to be 60cm or whatever from the ground. And don't get me started on those HID? lights, in a 7 you are so low they all seem to blind me!

RK - 21/11/09 at 02:47 AM

You live in a country where farts are taxed, and you worry about this? Seriously.

zilspeed - 21/11/09 at 08:49 AM

Of course we do.

We're British, we have rules.
Rules are the very fabric of civilisation.
Remember, this is the country that invented queueing and holds it so dear.

(I understand that it is referred to as 'waiting in line' in the colonies, but you could possibly correct me here.)

All of the above said with tongue firmly wedged in cheek.

More seriously, where I live a lot of the roads are totally unlit and what I'm really referring to is people who drive along virtually unlit except for a couple of tiny little candles by way of 5 watt bulbs. This easily becomes lost amid moving traffic.

My workmate nearly had a big one on an unlit motorway last week and was very repentant about how he had pulled out on this guy who he hadn't seen.
When asked if the guy had his lights on, he confirmed that it was just sidelights.

On a pitch black road.

Really, we just want everyone to follow some simple rules so we can all get on. And besides, have a whinge is the British way.

(Incidentally, yes we may have a tax on farts, but on Thursday there, I phoned my doctor with an acute stomach complaint. I got an appointment for that afternoon. Went straight from the appointment to the pharmacy 50 metres away and picked up the medication. Instant remedy, now sorted. Total cost to me was £4 for the drugs. By 2011, that will have been reduced to zero. It's not really that bad a place to live.)

Ninehigh - 22/11/09 at 09:37 AM

I've tried using only sidelights on a pitch black road and I couldn't see anything.

Also they're not fog lights they're driving lights, the difference being that fog lights are used in fog... Yeah it's pants..

Btw the fog/driving lights on mine shine about 3feet away from the bonnet line so they do absolutely nothing for me. Also I have a silver car, and against a grey sky I'm not taking any chances.

zilspeed - 22/11/09 at 09:44 AM

Originally posted by Ninehigh
I've tried using only sidelights on a pitch black road and I couldn't see anything.

Also they're not fog lights they're driving lights, the difference being that fog lights are used in fog... Yeah it's pants..

Btw the fog/driving lights on mine shine about 3feet away from the bonnet line so they do absolutely nothing for me. Also I have a silver car, and against a grey sky I'm not taking any chances.

So your driving lights only come on with your main beams then and not with dipped beam ?

..."driving lights" must be wired so that they go off using the same switch as your obligatory main beams. (Schedule 5, Parts I and II of the Road Vehicles Lighting Regulations 1989)

Ninehigh - 22/11/09 at 11:21 AM

Hmmm, curious.. Just going on what I've read

:{THC}:YosamiteSam - 22/11/09 at 11:32 AM

its the manufacturers fault really - they should be made to work only when the conditions allow

it boils my blood that the police dont use video evidence anymore than they do now - they should prosecute all they see in a video - for example the cars have a forwards camera - they pass a numpty - fogs on without cause or main beam etc... later on the video should be analyzed - warnings sent in post.. the point being it would be a good deterrant.. same as speed cameras deter - who goes thro a camera deliberately breaking the law? if you dont know whats coming towards you you wont break the law

morcus - 23/11/09 at 02:53 AM

Who, in there right mind, drives with side lights? The only time worth having them on is if theres a bit of drizzel or if you've parked somewhere dark. Side lights are marker lights so that others can see you, not lights to illuminated anything.

MikeRJ - 23/11/09 at 10:16 AM

Originally posted by zilspeed

So your driving lights only come on with your main beams then and not with dipped beam ?

Loads of fog light numpties get caught out by this! Fog should only ever be used in conjunction with dipped beam, and auxiliary driving lights in conjunction with main beam.

Particularly in wet conditions fog lamps can cause a huge amount of glare from the road surface if, especially if you drive a low car.

Let's not kid ourselves, these numpties don't switch fogs on for improved visibility, because in normal conditions they only illuminate a few feet ahead of the car. They have them turned on all the time because it's looks wikkid innit, and they couldn't care less about anyone else apart from themselves.

02GF74 - 23/11/09 at 10:26 AM

I drive with side lights on all the time, no choice on a volvo 850.

Even though I have owned it for 11 years, I still do not know which switch is for the front fogs and which is for the rear although I can derive it by trying them out.

Cannot recall having to use either of them more than 5 times.