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Has anyone had dealings with the website?
jono2020 - 22/1/11 at 07:04 PM

I have brought a satnav update disk from and it doesnt work. I have tried contacting them and phoning them but I get no reply. I am about to take legal action but I thought I would check on here to see if anyone else have had dealings with them and had a broken disk....

PSpirine - 22/1/11 at 07:11 PM

Try phoning and texting the mobile number on there - looks like a one-man band, and they often don't do emails very well!

(never used them myself!)

When you say you're about to take legal action.. do you mean you're about to THREATEN them with legal action? Or you're actually going to take legal action? If it's the latter, are you really prepared to shell out on court fees etc. for a £30 disk?

*ETA: The fact they have a physical address and a mobile phone number listed would suggest to me they're more credible than a lot of other websites.

[Edited on 22/1/11 by PSpirine]

scudderfish - 22/1/11 at 07:15 PM

Looks like their website has gone offline

PSpirine - 22/1/11 at 08:09 PM

Really? working for me.

Ninehigh - 22/1/11 at 08:12 PM

Working for me too, although they don't do my system

SeaBass - 22/1/11 at 08:54 PM

mmm. I would be highly surprised if they are genuine OE DVDs he selling there.

You're more than likely buying pirate copies.


jono2020 - 10/2/11 at 10:12 PM

well after sending a legal threat email I received an email back straight away with a refund. Don use this site as the disks are fakes...