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fuel tank baffle
jpindy3 - 31/8/09 at 07:07 PM

im having some problems lossing fuel when cornering hard to the tank is baffled.i was looking into some foam cubes or somthing like that to put into the tank.but this are quite expensive for what they are.
now do you think you could use some kitchin foil scrunched up into a ball and shove them in?

flak monkey - 31/8/09 at 07:09 PM

Enough foam to do your tank will be about £40

Seriously...spend the money on the proper stuff! You spend £1000's on that cossie engine, so splash some more and do a proper job

tomgregory2000 - 31/8/09 at 07:13 PM

what about a swirl pot?

minitici - 1/9/09 at 07:16 AM

So where is the fuel coming out?
Is it coming out of the filler cap or is it coming out of a vent?
If it is a vent, have you got an anti-spill / roll-over valve fitted?

jpindy3 - 1/9/09 at 08:00 AM

im thinking about getting a swirl pot and a lift pump