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filter king fuel pressure regulator
nearly done - 1/7/10 at 08:17 PM

evening all,
am I right that in thinking that you wind the adjuster in to decrease the fuel pressure.Any pointers greatly received.

David Jenkins - 1/7/10 at 08:29 PM

Wind it out, I believe - like most regulators.

prawnabie - 1/7/10 at 08:34 PM

Where abouts are you, i have a pressure gauge if you want to borrow it.


02GF74 - 2/7/10 at 07:09 AM

pretty sure DJ is correct. there is a spring loaded diaphragm (try spelling that when yer pissed!) so by turning the screwn clockwise (i.e. doing up) you compress the spring which applies more pressure to the diaphragm (try spelling that correctly twice when in a hurry).

The net result is that the fuel needs to be at a higher pressure to get past the diaphragm (did I spell it correct that time? stupid word , must be French :mad.

nearly done - 3/7/10 at 04:13 PM

cheers guys,best unwind that nut then or the bike carbs will be spilling fuel.