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Paddle clutches
mark chandler - 25/3/15 at 04:09 PM

Hello chaps

The time has come to replace the clutch in my DB7, as part of improving acceleration I need to bin the huge DMF and 267mm clutch and downsize to a 240mm plate.

On the rolling road the car is showing 370lb torque

Helix do a bonded plate and cover but this only supports 240lb, so to get near my figure I need to use a 6 paddle sprung clutch so....

Who has ever used paddle clutches, are they as horrible as the Internet indicates ? As part of running a BEC I am happy with a fast clutch with little feel but really do not want to be juddering down the road every time I try and move off or stuffing it into my garage wall when parking up.

Real world experience please.

Cheers Mark

[Edited on 25/3/15 by mark chandler]

Nickp - 25/3/15 at 05:23 PM

I put an unsprung one in my MR2 V6 and that was very noisy and very juddery, it really did grip though and never slipped at all. Hopefully a sprung one will be better but I'm pretty sure it'll still be sharper than a normal clutch.

CosKev3 - 25/3/15 at 05:27 PM

6 paddle Alcon in a 2wd sierra Cosworth was ok tbh,pretty sharp but useable.

4 paddle in a m8's pulsar Gtir was truely awful,really spoilt the car.

I would say you will be fine with a 6 paddle sprung one

Oddified - 25/3/15 at 08:17 PM

I had a 4 paddle in my car several years ago, horrible to drive anything other than flat out.

If i had to fit one again, it would definitely be a 6 paddle sprung.


mark chandler - 25/3/15 at 08:23 PM

6 paddle sprung it is then, the costs keep on going up.

Has anyone run a 240mm organic helix clutch at over 400ft/lb torque? Thinking cosworth engine here.

turbodisplay - 25/3/15 at 08:30 PM

Beaten to it but 6 paddle AP sprung is quite nice. As the clutch has no "spring" between the faces there is little movement. I have heard 3 times less. I would suggest making the clutch have a higher ratio to make the clutch less on/off, compensating for the lower movement.


mark chandler - 25/3/15 at 08:50 PM

Reading between the lines lots of the problems are people dropping paddles into worn covers and flywheels, helix will make me a 6 paddle with centre springs so it can settle a little and will have a new cover and my flywheel looks very true. It will all need balancing up as I have removed 8lb of weight out of it, sounds a lot but that's 25% lighter

[Edited on 25/3/15 by mark chandler]

[Edited on 25/3/15 by mark chandler]

andyw7de - 26/3/15 at 01:03 PM

Hi Mark,

Ive just replaced the clutch on my XJR6 AJ16 engine I had some really good assistance from AP racing and their dealer Techcraft motorsport (01926403721). I ended up buying a sprung 6 paddle AP clutch plate and a Lister Jaguar Helix pressure plate which can cope with circa 550 lb -ft of torque. Helix stopped making the pressure plate, it is now made to the Helix spec specifically for Techcraft.

very helpful guys

I was also told buy AP that the torque figures they quote have a 1.4 safety factor so what ever the published figure multiply by 1.4 for maximum



[Edited on 26/3/15 by andyw7de]

mark chandler - 26/3/15 at 03:39 PM

6 paddle kit ordered, hope it's not to harsh as little I can do about ratios without boring out the hydraulic clutch bits.