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1.3 CVH Avon
daz - 10/11/05 at 01:11 PM

hopefully starting to build a zx9 mk indy with my brother at the beginning of the new year, but was also thinking of building my own for day to day use, and since the insurance will be sky high im seriously thinking about using a 1.3 CVH engine and was wondering...

1) will it fit?
2) just how slow will it be.. roughly? ( 0-60/top speed)

i know it wont be impressive but its just something to do in my spare time and ill be able to add a bigger sized lump the more no claims bonus i rack up (currently none!)

Oliver Jetson - 10/11/05 at 01:27 PM

Insurance will be cheap as chips compared to insuring a "normal" road car. How old are you by the way just so we can give you an idea on what insurance will be?
Why bother goin to all the trouble of buildin a car with a 1.3cvh engine when the same amount of time and effort will get you a much much faster car with a better engine, for an insurance premium of not that much.


daz - 10/11/05 at 01:37 PM

im 20, still learning to drive tho i have my test in a couple of weeks time, been insured on my own car since feb so ill have a years no claims then. ill be able to take the mk indy out for a thrashing, but id like to use the avon as en everyday car, so dont really want to be spending lots to insure it with a 2 litre pinto and ofcourse, the running costs, like i say its just a project, im not too fussed if its not fast

[Edited on 10/11/05 by daz]

stevebubs - 10/11/05 at 02:02 PM

1.3 Crossflow will probably be a cheaper and easier option - they often come up for same as complete drivetrains when people upgrade.


britishtrident - 10/11/05 at 03:02 PM

No real problem fitting the CVH although I think a 1.4 would bebetter option as it shouldn't raise the insurance much. 1.3 & 1.4 are a bit easier to fit than the 1.6 as they come with a flywheel for a 190mm clutch.

Fitting a Zetec at a later date would be quite easy ---

andylancaster3000 - 10/11/05 at 03:12 PM

The CVH engines (not including the 1.8 version) are all a bit of a pain to mount. The engine hasn't got any lugs halfway along the block on one side so you have to improvise. There are a couple of pics in my archive of the mounts we have made for a 1600. On one side the alternator mount will share a lug with the engine mount and i believe the block we are using may have extra holes drilled and tapped into it!

So it does fit but not very easily. As said above a crossflow would be easier. Having said that, the CVH is quite light, cheap and easy to mess around with and then there is always the turbo option!


stevebubs - 10/11/05 at 03:15 PM

Was thinking more along the lines of getting parts second hand - many more xflow parts floating around than anything else.

daz - 10/11/05 at 04:15 PM

think i may go for a 1.4 crossflow, wont even bother cleaning it up to look nice as its literally just a car to get me to work and back, and once ive thrashed the engine to near death i can plonk another one in

will a crossflow engine bolt straight in? or will i have to learn to weld and make my own mounts

delboy - 10/11/05 at 09:36 PM

If you want a 1300 why not use a pinto, they're available from early sierras, and later if you want to increase engine size its easy to fit a 1600 pinto or a 2000 pinto without major modification. Block and head sizes, exhaust manifolds etc will all be in the right place.

daz - 10/11/05 at 09:42 PM

i didnt realise there was a 1300 pinto to be honest, guess ill have a look around at whats available nearer the time of the build

tim windmill - 11/11/05 at 12:08 AM

im 15 and im building a 2.0 pinto indy what the hell is my insurance going to be like!!!

might have to downgrade to a 1.3

daz - 11/11/05 at 07:28 PM

probably non existent since you cant drive at 15

britishtrident - 11/11/05 at 09:26 PM

Originally posted by daz
i didnt realise there was a 1300 pinto to be honest, guess ill have a look around at whats available nearer the time of the build

1300 Pinto = rocking horse phoo I have only ever see one and that was 20 years ago, the Sierra 1300 was so under powered didn't sell in anything like the (small) numbers of the 1300 Cortina.
Think of it as a very rare type of boat anchor .

daz - 12/11/05 at 05:34 PM

that'll be why i havent come across one while doing my slight engine research.

might even build an mk locost now, as i believe this is cheaper than the avon

MikeRJ - 13/11/05 at 12:18 AM

I would get some quotes before worrying about engines. There have been some guys around your age on here that have had very reasonable quotes. You may find a 1.6 or 1.8 Zetec is quite affordable.

soggy - 13/11/05 at 10:59 PM

have a word with the guys on the avon section!

Peteff - 13/11/05 at 11:12 PM

You will be disappointed to hear that no claims bonus is not available on limited mileage kit car policies from the insurers who do it. Your annual mileage will be one of the things that governs the price of your premium. You will not get insurance from mainstream companies as they have no statistics to base their prices on.