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38 DGAS to 40 DCOE
Ham - 16/4/07 at 05:33 AM

Hi all,
As per the title, I am changing the 38 DGAS on the X Flow to a new set of 40's,
1)Do I need to change to an electric fuel pump or is the mechanical one O.K.?
2)What mods to the Dizzy with regard to vacuum advance?
3)My manifold has the heater circut blanked off is this O.K.?
4)Most importantly will I notice a power increase?


02GF74 - 16/4/07 at 08:28 AM

1. no, mechanical one works fine.
2. either do not use the advance - I have mine plumbed into the nlet manifolkd for cylinder 1; I haven;t driven it without it connected so don't know what difference it would make. since the vacuum is taken from 1 cykinder instead of 4, idle should be more lumpy but I don't notice any difference if it is disconnected.
3. yes.
4. probably even if it is all in the mind

one thing to be aware of is that there a different manidogls - length and angle, choosethe wrong one and you won't be able to fit the leads onto the dizzy cap - a bigger problkem on the 1300 blocks.

[Edited on 16/4/07 by 02GF74]

NS Dev - 16/4/07 at 11:43 AM

good answer!!

mookaloid - 16/4/07 at 11:54 AM

The vacuum advance won't work properly just connected to one branch of the manifold.

You really need a modified dizzy, either mod it your self according Dave Andrews method (do a search) or get one ready done form Aldon or H&H (Jacko on here knows how to contact them)

