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Oil cooler piping
Ham - 18/8/08 at 08:12 AM

Hi all, busy installing a new 4 age 20v, I'm running an oil cooler with remote oil filter, my question is what sequence should I pipe it all up?

1) Block - cooler - filter - block
2) Block - filter - cooler - block

I assume the oil is drawn from the sump, pumped through the cooler and filter before being pumped into the galleries.


tegwin - 18/8/08 at 08:58 AM

IMHO..I would fit a thermostat valve in there as well....prevent over cooling of the oil!

turbodisplay - 18/8/08 at 04:24 PM

Filter first, if the engine goes wrong it would not take out the cooler.
Many powerful fords use a water/air cooler that goes on the same fitting as the filter.

Built in thermostat as well if i believe correctly.

02GF74 - 19/8/08 at 09:54 AM

2. for sure.

You want to filter hot oil; so filter before cooler.

Unless you are fitting a massive oil cooler, I find it quite hard to believe that you would need a thermostat - the size of oil cooler is quite small compared to radiator.

Overcooling oil is bad - it needs to be around 100 C - optimum working temp.

try it without thermostat and measure temp, is too cool, fit thermostat.