posted on 5/12/16 at 04:25 PM |
V6 oil catch tank fitting
As title.
I want to fit one to my Audi to stop carbon build up and oil usage.
Is it just as simple as cutting the cam cover vent pipes, and fitting the tanks in line.
Or is it more than that.
posted on 5/12/16 at 04:44 PM |
From memory when I fitted a catch tank to my Pinto there was a breather system on the side of the engine block. IIRC I had to modify this and then
piped it into my catch tank.
Are you working with a petrol or diesel engine and any photos available?
posted on 5/12/16 at 05:06 PM |
It's the supercharged petrol. No pictures yet, just getting it sorted in my head.
posted on 5/12/16 at 11:19 PM |
Engines breath from crank case and cam covers so it's not a simple case of just running from block to catch or cam cover to catch
And by the way it won't reduce oil consumption.
You need a vented catch tank and preferably one that is internally baffled and has wire wool in the top to seperate oil from gas.
As the crank gets pressurised from combustion gasses getting past the rings and cam covers usually suck air in (although a lot of engines are closed
loop now) on older engines you can run crank case fumes to the com cover and use a different location to vent pressure to the catch tank thus reducing
the amount of oil to the catch tank.
I have run the drain from the catch tank back to the sump but water condensates can be detrimental to the oil in the sump so possibly not a good idea.
I eat to survive
I drink to forget
I breath to pi55 my ex wife off (and now my ex partner)
posted on 6/12/16 at 09:54 PM |
What if I just fit the tank in-line to the PCV , so the tank is acting as a primary oil collector and the gasses can pass through on route to the PCV
and back into the inlet.
Would I need 2 tank's, one for cam covers, and I for crankcase.