corrado vr6
posted on 1/2/11 at 08:30 PM |
Mini wont go above 30mph!!
Evening, after all you knowledge once again, basically my brother has an 'E' reg classic mini which as he has described to me wont go
above 30mph i dont know a great lot of detail but i know the spark plugs and leads have been changed to try to help but to no avail, he has been given
some advice to change the dizzy cap, condensor and points. Not knowing a great deal about minis but am one to read a manual and have a go any ideas
which one to try first or anything else it might be? any other info that might help diagnose the problem let me know and ill ask my brother. Many
thanks in advance once again Greg
posted on 1/2/11 at 08:36 PM |
Blocked fuel filter/tired fuel pump i have known to cause similar problems
How long can i resist the temptation to drop a V8 in?
posted on 1/2/11 at 08:37 PM |
looks like its on 3 cyclinders ... get rid of the points and fit electronic ignition ...cost about 80 and never have to worry about misfires again far
more reliable
corrado vr6
posted on 1/2/11 at 08:37 PM |
I thought this but he has been told minis dont have fuel filters if they dont then surely they should!! can anyone confirm if they do or dont?
posted on 1/2/11 at 08:49 PM |
i had a mini, D reg, took it to bits, but i don't remember any fuel filters, only a mesh thing inside the tank.
check the carb (i guess it'll be a SU carb) i remember mine wouldn't rev past about 2k rpm when i took the oil out my carb and
didn't replace it. as a result, limited fuel supply, i'd check the carb moves freely first up
IVA manual link
don't write OT on a new thread title, you're creating the topic, everything you write is very much ON topic!
posted on 1/2/11 at 08:52 PM |
No fuel filter on a mini but most people fit the plstic cone ones before the pump. Id stick a dizzy cap rotor arm and condensor on if it was me,
shouldnt cost alot.
Built the purple peril!! Let the modifications begin!!
posted on 1/2/11 at 08:55 PM |
No oil on the carb
posted on 1/2/11 at 09:00 PM |
Floor mat rolled up under the throttle pedal..........
rusty nuts
posted on 1/2/11 at 09:10 PM |
Even a badly tuned Mini should do over 30mph. Check for throttle opening, points gap/dwell angle ,ignition timing carb dashpot for free movement (use
carb cleaner to get piston and dashpot clean but watch you dont bend the needle)crank case breather pipe split/air leak sticking distributor? Clogged
air filter? .Engine should rev easily when the throttle is opened without any hesitation. Clutch slip?
posted on 1/2/11 at 09:14 PM |
Simple things first my first action would be (assuming the car is not single point injection) would be to check the piston in the SU carb is rising
and falling freely, cure is to taket if off and clean it and on reassembly check the needle is centered in the jet. The piston should rise and fall
freely and land on the stop with a distinct "click". It is best to use 5w/30 oil or autotransmision fluid in the carb damper.
If that is OK remove the float bowl and remove the float valve and check for debris blocking the valve, after that check the fuel pump output
observing sensible fire precautions. Remove the petrol cap and blow the fuel line back from the pump inlet to the fuel pump using low pressure
compressed air or a foot pump, you should hear bubbling in the tank.
from the description it is less likely to be an ignition fault.
[Edited on 1/2/11 by britishtrident]
[Edited on 1/2/11 by britishtrident]
posted on 1/2/11 at 09:48 PM |
quote: Originally posted by owelly
Floor mat rolled up under the throttle pedal..........
posted on 1/2/11 at 10:02 PM |
Points gap....
posted on 1/2/11 at 10:31 PM |
Had a mini pick up years ago which got slower and slower - eventually wouldn't do much more than 30 mph. Turned out to be 2 burnt/split exhaust
it took me nearly 25 minutes to change the cylinder head for a spare I had in the corner.
"That thing you're thinking - it wont be that."
posted on 2/2/11 at 09:10 PM |
quote: Originally posted by jacko
No oil on the carb
Thin engine oil oil in the carb never 20w/50 or even 10w/40