posted on 5/4/11 at 09:32 PM |
Classic F1
on freeview channel 301 (red button channels) if anyone is interested.. now that was racing!
posted on 5/4/11 at 10:22 PM |
Some great racing, I forgot how good mika was.
posted on 6/4/11 at 06:53 AM |
Was watching that in the Pub
I saw Senna make a mistake !!!
And the F1 racing at Donni in the Wet !!
And Murry walker comentating !!!!
All good stuff !!!
Taller than your average Guy !
Management is like a tree of monkeys. - Those at the top look down and see a tree full of smiling faces. BUT Those at the bottom look up and see a
tree full of a*seholes .............