posted on 24/2/12 at 06:25 PM |
Does this make me a nerd?
I think so......
  Check that odometer...
I'm not scared!!! I'm just marking my territory.
posted on 24/2/12 at 06:39 PM |
I do exactly the same so I must be a nerd too!!!
daniel mason
posted on 24/2/12 at 06:47 PM |
if you set the trip on purpose at 55k just to get it to read 55,555 then fair play!
posted on 24/2/12 at 06:48 PM |
Actually that's pretty cool to get them both on all the 5s
posted on 24/2/12 at 06:50 PM |
quote: Originally posted by daniel mason
if you set the trip on purpose at 55k just to get it to read 55,555 then fair play!
Yeah, I did a little math a few weeks ago to reset my trip for this purpose. Its okay, I have nerd pride and its good to see that there are other
willing to admit it too.
I'm not scared!!! I'm just marking my territory.
posted on 24/2/12 at 06:56 PM |
I planned to do it as mine came to 0123456 with 789.0 on the trip, did the calocs and then missed it because i was driving down the motorway in the
dark and my er, passenger took the photo with my mobile and it turned ouit black
Else it would have been on here
posted on 24/2/12 at 07:03 PM |
Qoute: "Does this make me a nerd?"
Nah! People record the temperature all the time mate
[Edited on 24/2/12 by Daddylonglegs]
It looks like the Midget is winning at the moment......
posted on 24/2/12 at 07:14 PM |
A little Obsessive Compulsive, perhaps...
posted on 24/2/12 at 08:10 PM |
30degC, mmmmmm the summer!!
You are not alone. When I got my first brand new car (Mk5 Fiesta at 18 years old) I took the moment to record many milestones.
I took a photo of 15000 last summer in the kit car!
If you pre calc'ed it then yeah thats pretty geeky, but my god I do some geeky things that make me laugh all the time.
Right, where was that 9999 mile I took from 9 years ago . . . . .
Track days ARE the best thing since sliced bread, until I get a supercharger that is!
Please read my ring story:
Me doing a sub 56sec lap around Brands Indy. I need a geo set up!
posted on 24/2/12 at 08:17 PM |
quote: Originally posted by bi22le
30degC, mmmmmm the summer!!
I'm a little nervous because its already so hot..... I have a feeling this summer is going to be brutal. What are your temps like there in the
UK? (you can give me Celcius, I can convert)
I'm not scared!!! I'm just marking my territory.
posted on 24/2/12 at 08:40 PM |
i do this with mine as well.
posted on 24/2/12 at 08:45 PM |
topped out about 15°C today, uncharacteristicly warm for this time of year! about 59/60F i think.
Edit: love the miles thing! I'm looking forward to 50k on the kit, should hit that in a couple of months.
[Edited on 24/2/12 by Grimsdale]
posted on 24/2/12 at 08:46 PM |
Did you screech to a halt on the motorway to get the photo?
I get a bit geeky when my clock says 13:37 or 11:34 xD
[Edited on 24/2/12 by vanepico]
posted on 24/2/12 at 09:07 PM |
quote: Originally posted by vanepico
Did you screech to a halt on the motorway to get the photo?
I get a bit geeky when my clock says 13:37 or 11:34 xD
[Edited on 24/2/12 by vanepico]
Prepare yourselves for more geek......
I was smarter than that, but I clocked it to where I was in a parking lot of a pharmacy so I could stop and take the picture safely. I guess
I've driven my route to work too many times. I bet the people in the store that saw me drive by a couple times were beginning to wonder. Only
had to make 1 pass through the parking lot tough.
I'm not scared!!! I'm just marking my territory.
posted on 24/2/12 at 09:22 PM |
Nerd or not, that's quite cool in my (nerd) book 
Probably no more so than my 200+ mile journey trying to max out my MPG in my old Leon (bloody loved that car)......
posted on 24/2/12 at 09:31 PM |
I sing happy mileday to all my cars for the complete mile once they clock another 1000k milestone. If I miss it I must sing happy mileday for two
miles to make up for it.
I take photos of high mpg too....
posted on 24/2/12 at 09:34 PM |
I never knew there were so many of us, brings a tear to my eye.
Speaking of nerd-dom......
this is what
I have waiting on me at home.
[Edited on 2/24/2012 by beagley]
I'm not scared!!! I'm just marking my territory.
posted on 24/2/12 at 10:16 PM |
quote: Originally posted by McLannahan
I sing happy mileday to all my cars for the complete mile once they clock another 1000k milestone. If I miss it I must sing happy mileday for two
miles to make up for it.
I take photos of high mpg too....
Nowt wrong with that!
Well perhaps not for the whole mile, thats a bit sad
posted on 24/2/12 at 10:45 PM |
No more nerdy than filling up at a petrol station at the top of the hill then coasting all the way down it to photograph this
I average 26mpg normally in the SAAB 95, this was an epic half a mile 
posted on 24/2/12 at 10:46 PM |
No more nerdy than filling up at a petrol station at the top of the hill then coasting all the way down it to photograph this
I average 26mpg normally in the SAAB 95, this was an epic half a mile 
posted on 24/2/12 at 10:57 PM |
Found this photo from about 4 years ago, think i must have tried to get 100,000 and 0.0 on the trip.....and missed

posted on 24/2/12 at 10:58 PM |
What no missing pixels??
posted on 24/2/12 at 11:04 PM |
You obviously know SAAB's well
I am afraid that was last year, we now can't read much at all because we have about 3 pixels left !
Another job on the list, mind you, the wife says its fun trying to guess the time evry morning 
posted on 24/2/12 at 11:49 PM |
quote: Originally posted by ReMan
What no missing pixels??
LMAO - you should see SWMBOs Alhambra display, totally illegible, there's more dead pixels than live ones  
posted on 24/2/12 at 11:50 PM |
quote: Originally posted by AndyW
Found this photo from about 4 years ago, think i must have tried to get 100,000 and 0.0 on the trip.....and missed
Hmm, looks like a pen and notepad on the dash there Andy - you don't keep a paper fuel/mileage log do you by any chance?