posted on 2/7/10 at 11:45 PM |
What legislation would you ask the government to change?
As the title says really.
I was just thinking of what I'd suggest, for a bit of legislation to be altered/repealled.
The 2 I've come up with are:
1) scrap the annual SORN declaration, surely once you've declared your car off the road that's it, the same declaration is in force until
you MOT or tax your car. So why do I have to do it every year? Surely it can't generate enough income through fines, to cover the expense of
sending out reminders each year for those vehicles that have been declared SORN. So, if it is scrapped, that will save some money toward paying off
the country's deficit?
2) Reinstate the rolling historic vehicle road tax, or at least move it up to at least cover cars built through the 1970's(maybe move the cut
off date to 01/01/80). There's alot of classic 70's cars that are not being saved, because everyone wants a "tax free"
classic. It would be a good concession for the government to give, because I don't think it would actually cost too much, but would give them
alot of positive press.
What are your thoughts, or ideas.
Please try and keep it sensible, these ideas could turn into a proper campaign.
Cheers Frank
posted on 3/7/10 at 12:14 AM |
I agree to both Frank - not sure the good ole boys in charge would though
Give a man a fish & it will feed him for a day, give him a fishing rod & you've saved a fish.
posted on 3/7/10 at 12:17 AM |
been discussed a few times already.
Paul TigerB6
posted on 3/7/10 at 12:18 AM |
never mind that - i'd allow people to defend their property from the scum of this earth who currently get defended. Kill a burglar and you face
a murder charge potentially!!!
posted on 3/7/10 at 01:25 AM |
That was also mentioned before!
posted on 3/7/10 at 06:14 AM |
I don't think seat belt wearing should be compulsory, I think people should wear seatbelts but I don't think it should be a crime not to.
someone I went to school with moved his car from his house to a parking space opposite (So it wouldn't be in the drive when his mum got home),
He got out of a car and a policemen came over and gave him a verbal warning, even though he'd literally driven 10metres in a straight line, If
he'd done it in reverse it wouldn't have been illegal.
They won't change historic tax because it would only make it easier for someone to have a tax free daily driver when the free tax was only
intended for vehicles covering very few miles, You could quite easilly run an 85 Merc/Saab/volvo pretty much for ever.
I'd get rid of Council tax and asign all monies centrally.
In a White Room, With Black Curtains, By the Station.
posted on 3/7/10 at 07:09 AM |
Drink/Drive & Speed Limits
![](/images//smilies/bigsmile.gif) ![](/images//smilies/bigsmile.gif) ![](/images//smilies/bigsmile.gif) Only joking - I await your condemnation![](/images//smilies/bigsmile.gif) ![](/images//smilies/bigsmile.gif) ![](/images//smilies/bigsmile.gif) ![](/images//smilies/bigsmile.gif) ![](/images//smilies/bigsmile.gif) ![](/images//smilies/bigsmile.gif) ![](/images//smilies/bigsmile.gif)
posted on 3/7/10 at 07:22 AM |
I'd scrap road tax/sorn altogether
Put the tax on fuel, so it's pay as you go for road usage not vehicle ownership
posted on 3/7/10 at 10:01 AM |
quote: Originally posted by ReMan
I'd scrap road tax/sorn altogether
Put the tax on fuel, so it's pay as you go for road usage not vehicle ownership
I totaly agree with that, the more miles you do the more road tax you pay, sound's like a fair scheme to me.
posted on 3/7/10 at 12:21 PM |
quote: Originally posted by fha772
quote: Originally posted by ReMan
I'd scrap road tax/sorn altogether
Put the tax on fuel, so it's pay as you go for road usage not vehicle ownership
I totaly agree with that, the more miles you do the more road tax you pay, sound's like a fair scheme to me.
Not exactly fair on those using petrol for engines such as generators or lawn mowers.
It would actually mean that the cost of nearly all goods in Britain would rise significantly as nearly everything is transported by road so haulage
cost would rise.
posted on 3/7/10 at 12:36 PM |
Well the simple answer for that would be red diesel (and petrol)
Remove speed cameras unless they ARE ACTUALLY in accident black spots and where doing 5mph over the limit is actually dangerous
posted on 3/7/10 at 01:04 PM |
There has been studies into this, and they have said that a rise in fuel duty of around 1-2p per litre is enough to more than cover the money earned
from road tax.
And now that the MOT and insurance are on a database, it is no longer required to check that you have valid documents for your vehicle.
So, wouldn't a slight increase of a couple of pence, and more ANPR cameras, be a better way of enforcing the rules and raising the revenue, it
also means that, hauliers, and tourists, from abroad, pay into our road tax scheme by simply filling their tanks while their here.
posted on 3/7/10 at 04:20 PM |
Bearing in mind tax on HGV's would save thet up to £2000 yr
There's not too many V8 lawnmower owners to complain ![](/images//smilies/bigsmile.gif)
posted on 3/7/10 at 06:36 PM |
I'm not sure either way about replacing car tax with extra fuel duty (remember that we don't currently pay VAT on car tax but do on fuel
Duty) but I do think Tax disks them selves are obselete.
I know there are people here who deffinitly won't agree but I think Personallised number plates should be banned and your number plate should be
updated to show where your from, not where the car was first registered.
In a White Room, With Black Curtains, By the Station.
posted on 3/7/10 at 07:25 PM |
What is the relevance of knowing where you are from, other than to get your car keyed and spat on when away from home?
And I disagree on personal plates too ![](/images//smilies/wink.gif)
posted on 4/7/10 at 06:31 AM |
Government literature from when they changed over to the new system said one of the plusses of the new system was to show where the car was from, so
you'd have better odds of guessing whether or not the car infront knew their way around and what have you (It didn't use those words mind,
but I don't know where the pamphlet is and I'm not going to look).
There are huge numbers of Cars on Kent plates who's only time in Kent was coming off a boat.
Its not something thats very high on my list, It just annoys me. Banning personal plates though is high on my list, I could write essays as to why I
feel that way but mostly because I think it defeats the whole purpose of the registration number.
In a White Room, With Black Curtains, By the Station.
posted on 4/7/10 at 07:06 AM |
What's wrong with private plates?
In some ways they're better than a standard plate, because they are always linked to 1 person, rather than a car and several owners.
But i do think that it's time to clamp down on the number plate bodgers. who alter the letters and numbers, and change the spacing to make a
plate read different, because that looks more like their name.
They should have a really big fine imposed and have the number taken from them.
posted on 4/7/10 at 07:56 AM |
That gets to me as well, and people who drive around on show plates which use illegal type faces, you never seem to see people get stopped for it, yet
I know at least 4 people who've failed MOT's because someone making their number plates has cocked it up.
As I said I could write a massive report on why I think personal plates should be banned but I'm not going to.
Some thing else I'd like legislation changed on is Maximum headlight brightness. I think some Xenon headlights are too bright, they claim
they're safer because you can see more but they're more dangerous because the person coming the other way can't see anything at all.
In a White Room, With Black Curtains, By the Station.
posted on 4/7/10 at 09:00 AM |
quote: Originally posted by morcus
As I said I could write a massive report on why I think personal plates should be banned but I'm not going to.
I think we'd all be quite interested in why you feel that way?!
posted on 4/7/10 at 09:44 AM |
It does seem a strange thing to have such a massive objection to...
posted on 4/7/10 at 08:37 PM |
True, I can see the "illegible or falsifying" side, and the "Oh let me guess your name's Jo" side too.. But I'd
like to know what other reasons you have.
posted on 5/7/10 at 01:24 AM |
Seriously, I'm not going into it because it will end with me writing a huge essay then having to debate every detail, its better for all of us
if we just agree to disagree. I will say that its not just a case of I don't like them or opinions or stereotypes of people with them, I
genuinely believe they should be illegal and thats all I'm going to say.
If I'm ever in a position where my political opinions on number plates are at all relevent, then I will explain it all, as they're not,
I'm not going to have an arguement which will end with me writing a huge report and everyone else complaining about Gramatic errors and calling
me a nazi
I'm accepting that the concensus is against me on this one and keeping it to myself.
In a White Room, With Black Curtains, By the Station.
posted on 5/7/10 at 07:02 AM |
Fair enough, i was just curious, more than being arguementitive.
I just wondered what your view was and why you held that view.
I have a private plate, that was given to me by my grandfather, i don't really have an opinion either way, although i own 1, if i didn't
it wouldn't make any difference to my life, other than i would have to try and remember a new reg everytime i swap my car!! lol!!
Anyway, that's fair enough.