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Author: Subject: LOL @ Autoglass

posted on 13/4/11 at 05:53 PM Reply With Quote
LOL @ Autoglass

Well you may have seen my rant yesterday at my only failed claim on my house insurance (going to enjoy the next few weeks as i know im right).

Well ive just got home to open a letter from Autoglass stating we owe them £40. The story is my GF's car needed a new windscreen last november which we did thru her insurance co. Again the first time she has ever claimed for anything so we paid the excess and it was all done sharpish. Roll on nearly 6 months and now Autoglass want £40 more for a difference in the increased excess that the insurance wont pay out!

We have never been contacted inbetween
she has changed insurance co in Jan this year.
We have just read the autoglass paperwork from the time it was done and it cleary reads that any outstanding balance that the insurance co doesnt pay must be paid before the work is carried out!


Now this is
A, a con. Someone has got our details and is trying it on.
B, A mistake
C, Insurance co and Autoglass have fell out with each other and they think we are an easier method to get the money.

My GF is the worrying type, but ive told her to file the letter with the reciepts and ignore it. let them chase us or even better ring me (it was my mobile on their system) so i can really let go.

OR have we got 'mugs' writen on our foreheads and the word is around that we are easy to get money out of?

Anyone else had this?

[Edited on 13/4/11 by Moorron]

[Edited on 13/4/11 by Moorron]

Sorry about my spelling, im an engineer and only work in numbers.

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posted on 13/4/11 at 06:00 PM Reply With Quote
Sounds like it needs filing under "B"

I'd guess one of your three choices are right, however unless they can prove that they replaced said glass, what excess was paid by yourselves (you can prove that from a bank statement) and that they made some mistake in taking the right amount of money and only just noticed it SIX MONTHS LATER?

You could explain the situation that how has it taken them all this time to realise you had been undercharged, and maybe they should write it off under "stupid tax"

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posted on 13/4/11 at 06:07 PM Reply With Quote
Needs filing under B, B for bonfire...

1972 V8 Jago

1980 Z750

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posted on 13/4/11 at 06:09 PM Reply With Quote
Unfortunatley it does take them months to get paid by the insurance companies. In their terms and conditions it states that "where we are able to bill your insurer directly, we will do so and, in most instances, you need only pay us the excess (and VAT if applicable - see 1.5). We will seek payment of the remainder from you only if, for whatever reason (including any limitation in cover on your policy), your insurer fails or refuses to pay some or all of the charges. "

So they can seek the difference from you under the terms of contract, which I assume your GF signed? Its a common condition that is missed and they dont often have to come after you for the difference. But as you know all company's are having a hard time financially so all they are doing is completing the process correctly, to ensure they are paid the correct ammount by the terms of contract.

You could ignore it, its up to you but as long as they have a signed agreement you are liable. I would speak to your insurance company and ask why they didnt pay if the cover was there.

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posted on 13/4/11 at 06:11 PM Reply With Quote
Sorry to hear of your woes mate, however I refer you to my reply to your prior posting.

my reply

I kinda class insurance companies as being in the same league as other robbing VERMIN.

Beware of the Goldfish in the tulip mines. The ONLY defence against them is smoking peanut butter sandwiches.

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posted on 13/4/11 at 06:11 PM Reply With Quote
Yeh ive got the reciept from the 'over the phone' payment on my card.

Im not the type to argue, again im shy on the phone and lazy so cant be bothered to argue most of the time even if im right but this year im starting to get abit miffed at it all and only 2 weeks ago i made the poor welsh girl sob on the phone line at Virgin media because of a really stupid error in their system, problem is i didnt even feel bad about it like i would have in the past.

Sorry about my spelling, im an engineer and only work in numbers.

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posted on 13/4/11 at 06:14 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by AndyW
Unfortunatley it does take them months to get paid by the insurance companies. In their terms and conditions it states that "where we are able to bill your insurer directly, we will do so and, in most instances, you need only pay us the excess (and VAT if applicable - see 1.5). We will seek payment of the remainder from you only if, for whatever reason (including any limitation in cover on your policy), your insurer fails or refuses to pay some or all of the charges. "

So they can seek the difference from you under the terms of contract, which I assume your GF signed? Its a common condition that is missed and they dont often have to come after you for the difference. But as you know all company's are having a hard time financially so all they are doing is completing the process correctly, to ensure they are paid the correct ammount by the terms of contract.

You could ignore it, its up to you but as long as they have a signed agreement you are liable. I would speak to your insurance company and ask why they didnt pay if the cover was there.

not saying you are wrong but if this is true they are going to find it hard when i produce THEIR invoice which clearly states any money owed must be paid BEFORE the work is carried out. Seems like conflicting statements on their part to me. unless they where being nice to use and gave us 6 months free loan on the window.

Sorry about my spelling, im an engineer and only work in numbers.

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Blackbird Rush

posted on 13/4/11 at 06:16 PM Reply With Quote
Had a seven type screen replaced under insurance (60 quid excess) , which I paid at autowindscreens branch when I collected the screen.
Then get letter after letter from autowindscreens chasing the balance, passed these onto the insurance co and it took 3 attempts to get it sorted.

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posted on 13/4/11 at 06:17 PM Reply With Quote
lol which i will charge them for driving around the uk. Say 2p/mile?

They can kiss my bottom.

Sorry about my spelling, im an engineer and only work in numbers.

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posted on 13/4/11 at 06:28 PM Reply With Quote
lol theres an autoglass van up the road this minute doing a car in the street. Should i?

Sorry about my spelling, im an engineer and only work in numbers.

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posted on 13/4/11 at 06:37 PM Reply With Quote
Wow im typing more replies in my own thread then everyone else.

Just read the 'terms and conditions' and it does indeed say they will chase us. But as im in a bit of a funny mood to be technical my missus (car owner) didnt sign the paperwork, i did. As it wasnt my insurance then they might find it hard to chase me. But good luck to 'em.

Whats strange is in both cases we arnt insured with them anymore and they are both trying it on as they arnt loosing our custom.

Sorry about my spelling, im an engineer and only work in numbers.

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posted on 13/4/11 at 06:48 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by coozer
Needs filing under B, B for bonfire...

Well I was thinking b for bin but either works.

This would appear to be where you get them, you can't sign for work done under someone else's policy...

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posted on 13/4/11 at 06:57 PM Reply With Quote
i would'nt just bin it if you dont contest it or atleast contacting them it could be implying you dont have a issue with it but just chose not to pay it.
I had simular with autoglass, had a lease car i paid the excess £60 insurance paid the net value (ex vat) for my employer to pay the vat, however the employer at the time never did as company got taken over. so autoglass chased me for 2 years upping the pressure, i since found a contact within the new company (which i no longer work for) so autoglass now chasing them again

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posted on 13/4/11 at 07:09 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Ninehigh
Originally posted by coozer
Needs filing under B, B for bonfire...

Well I was thinking b for bin but either works.

This would appear to be where you get them, you can't sign for work done under someone else's policy...

True but in one of the posts he says it was done "over the phone payment" implying no paperwork was signed. By paying you accept and agree to there terms and conditions, and therefore the contract is complete. In court a signature is not always needed, the fact "they" paid entered them into a contact.

Im not defending Autoglass one bit, its just how the law will see it if it goes that way. I would be more inclined to find out why the previous insurance didnt pay. May be the policy didnt cover glass? we dont know the full facts.

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posted on 13/4/11 at 07:45 PM Reply With Quote
Ok then how about the trump card?

"Heh, must have been another letter that didn't turn up. Happens all the time when it's important. Eeeee if I had a pound for every letter I sent that was important that didn't turn up I'd have enough to send them all recorded delivery, which you should do if you want it to turn up!"

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posted on 13/4/11 at 08:34 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by AndyW
Originally posted by Ninehigh
Originally posted by coozer
Needs filing under B, B for bonfire...

Well I was thinking b for bin but either works.

This would appear to be where you get them, you can't sign for work done under someone else's policy...

True but in one of the posts he says it was done "over the phone payment" implying no paperwork was signed. By paying you accept and agree to there terms and conditions, and therefore the contract is complete. In court a signature is not always needed, the fact "they" paid entered them into a contact.

Im not defending Autoglass one bit, its just how the law will see it if it goes that way. I would be more inclined to find out why the previous insurance didnt pay. May be the policy didnt cover glass? we dont know the full facts.

i understand your concern and thanks for pointing out what could happen. But to just make it even more complicated i paid the 'over the phone' excess with my bank card not the policy holder or me with her card. So still technically they need to chase me for it not her albiet i will get so much hassle from her worrying about going to jail that it might be better to just pay it (will hold out for aslong as possible until the nagging from her indoors becomes unbariable or for some miracle she goes to jail for such a crime and i can have a nice peacefull weekend ).

[Edited on 13/4/11 by Moorron]

Sorry about my spelling, im an engineer and only work in numbers.

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daniel mason

posted on 13/4/11 at 09:45 PM Reply With Quote
although your luck seems absolutely sh!te mate. i bet you still grin like a cheshire cat every time you drive your 7! dont let it bother you.

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