posted on 2/8/11 at 10:00 PM |
Gravity Racing - aka soap box racing
As I'm facing up to the fact it may take me a while longer to complete my car I was wondering if there is another simple "interim"
project I could do. I did think about making my 8wk old a landrover but seem to have settled on / been intriged by gravity racing. There are a couple
of hills in the uk where people get up to 70mph (the one in scotland is two miles long).
Does anyone have any experience?
Does anyone know anyone who does it?
Does anyone know any way to stop me doodling in meetings random ideas including tennis ball based suspension!!!!
matty h
posted on 2/8/11 at 10:07 PM |
Take a look at this link.
posted on 2/8/11 at 10:11 PM |
cheap and small - not gravity though.
posted on 3/8/11 at 07:28 AM |
Tennis Ball suspension! have you been looking at too many MkIII moulton bikes?
Phoned the local ramblers club today, but the bloke who answered just
went on and on.
posted on 3/8/11 at 08:05 AM |
The engineering design company I work for where involved in gravity racing a few ago. We supported a project as an exercise for our university
students on placement with us.
The car has developed over the years and is now, I believe, used as a template in many schools / colleges as a base design for students.
Most recent pic of car below.
Check out www.formulagravity.co.uk for further info.
posted on 27/10/11 at 01:47 PM |
quote: Originally posted by MikeR
Does anyone have any experience?
Does anyone know anyone who does it?
Yup. Me.
I organise, amongst other things, the two mile long, 70mph gravity race in Scotland (aka Cairngorm Soapbox
Extreme), and have been gravity racing bouth soapbox carties and gravity sidecar for a few years now.
Tons of resources online on the Scottish Cartie Association web site, including a
UK wide gravity race calendar and a
map showing where your local gravity race is.
Hope you find this useful. Please do get in touch if you have any questions.
[Edited on 27/10/11 by scottishCarties]
[Edited on 27/10/11 by scottishCarties]
Scottish Cartie Association