posted on 28/4/17 at 07:10 AM |
Engine swap and V5C logbook
Hi All,
I'm considering buying a VW T2 (bay window) camper van. Some available for sale have had their engine replaced by a Subaru one which is a
popular swap. I'd like to know whether I should expect this swap to appear anywhere on the V5C. The reason is that I'd like to import it
in Spain and the process is very difficult as soon as the V5C shows that the vehicle has gone through any changes.
posted on 28/4/17 at 07:54 AM |
The V5C won't show what engine is in the car, only what the serial number is and the capacity (and emissions, maybe). You are expected to
register the change of engine to update those values, but many people do not. It's not impossible to do yourself though, the DVLA will accept a
garage headed letter as an 'inspection' report as proof and will change it on your request.
posted on 28/4/17 at 09:54 AM |
Sounds good. I like the idea of the logbook showing what's in it (great for MOT).
It may be a problem if it showed it as having undergone a swap explicitly because Spanish DVLA "Tráfico" (which uses the paperwork only,
no inspection) would then realize straight away that it's a modified vehicle, i.e. does not conform to type approval, which is a major problem
here. They are not experts though, so then won't notice just from the displacement figure shown etc.