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Castle Coombe
asl - 13/6/09 at 07:02 PM

Hi all. I'm doing a day at CC in a few weeks. Has anyone here done a session there and able to give me some pointers? Cheers

s2gse - 13/6/09 at 07:57 PM

will let you know what i think as im doing a track day there on the 19th

jeffw - 14/6/09 at 07:29 AM

Castle Coombe is the one circuit in the UK my insurance wouldn't cover.....

The problem with Coombe is there is very little run-off in Quarry, Tower & Camp corners. All pretty low speed corners after high speed straights. There is a pretty major bump in the slight left hander that leads into Quarry, make sure you are braking before that and don't brake over the bump and finish braking before you turn.

Treat Coombe with respect by starting slowly and learn the circuit. Be smooth and leave yourself enough braking area and you'll be fine, push too hard too early and you'll be in the grass bank.

Have a look on youtube for the onboard track laps people have done and enjoy yourself.

asl - 14/6/09 at 03:03 PM

jeffw, good feedback thanks.

S2gse, I'm there the following friday so any info you have will be greatly appreciated.

wheezy - 17/6/09 at 01:40 PM

As jeffw stated there is very little run off area at Castle Combe. Most of the big off's seem to be at quarry which is at the end off the main straight. Make sure you use the braking and turn in markers till you get up to speed. As you rise up to quarry stay over to the right, brake to kill some speed the turn slightly left over the rise. Once you are over the rise brake again for Quarry itself. A good tip is to point the car at a set of lights above the tyre barrier as you come over the rise so you wont be turning as you go over the top. Also unlike most circuits overtaking at Combe is done on the right due to the pit entrance being on the left.
There is normally an instructor available on the day at no extra charge so it may be worth asking him to jump in with you.


asl - 24/6/09 at 06:18 AM

Thanks Dave, very useful tips!

asl - 24/6/09 at 06:20 AM

Dave are you going to Combe friday? Just noticed that it was you that put me on to Richard. I will be doing the Silverstone day in sept as well. Cheers Nathan

[Edited on 24/6/09 by asl]

wheezy - 24/6/09 at 08:02 AM

Hi Nathan, Yep I will be there. Hope you have packed your waterproofs, the forecast at the moment does not look to promising with heavy thundery showers in the afternoon
The 2 tracks days I did at Combe last year were both wet as well
See you there.

lsdweb - 25/6/09 at 09:13 AM

I'm competing there on Saturday and I don't know anything about the circuit! I did my ARDS there years ago but that was before the two chicanes had been installed so that's not much help. I've also got the Autopsort guide but that's pre chicane as well.

I probably need to start off slow and build up but that's not that easy with sprints! I'm in a tough class as well with a load of Elises etc.. There's no standard production car class so I'm in with the modified road going :-(

Looks like I'll need to push the Saxo even harder than last weekend!

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