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Silverstone track day
wheezy - 3/9/09 at 06:46 PM

What a fantastic day. For once it didnt rain during the day (torrential on the way home though) which meant plenty of track time. With only about 50 cars there there was absolutly no queing between sessions and they are such a great bunch to do a track day with. We managed to get 4 Spire GTR's there with Paul Nightingale bringing along his Demonstrator with the supercharged ZZR1400(280 Bhp at the back wheels, he was getting 300 but had to detune it a bit). Anyway here is the link to the only bit of video I managed to get as I had a bit of a problem with the supply to the camera.

Video link


Dangle_kt - 3/9/09 at 10:04 PM

that red old 911 is QUICK!

Nice vid, looks like you had fun!

GeoffT - 4/9/09 at 09:10 AM

Also had a great day, I was sharing the drive with a pal in his (surprisingly quick...!) 1800 Clio.

The southern circuit is a fast but safe track, you'd have to be very unlucky to go off and find something to hit. Like most people, I found the chicane just before Club corner (Vale?) the trickiest section, got it wrong more times than I got it right I reckon....

Will definitely take the Seven along next time this comes up, Dave, is there any date fixed yet?


wheezy - 4/9/09 at 09:44 AM

Opps seem to have deleted my last post. Anyway Geoff, Richard has gone grey trying to organise this event as he has had people dropping out, not turning up. I think he may only just have broken even, which is a worry when you think he had to fork out £10,000 to book the circuit. So he is having a break and not planning on any more this year.


GeoffT - 4/9/09 at 10:20 AM

Yeah, I can imagine how much work goes into organising these events, the man is a star.

I wasn't planning one here until next year anyway, I'll look out for it then.
