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Cadwell park 8th May Locost Heat video
steveiow - 12/5/11 at 12:26 PM

Didn't manage to get the crash in the final on video, I was unfortunately right near the back and saw it all unfold, but camera had turned itself off as we left assembly.

However, I did record the heat if anyone is interested.

Dusty - 12/5/11 at 01:15 PM

Great video. Exciting driving. I found myself holding my breath a couple of times. Fun fun fun. I did mutter 'Ooh that's brave' when you overtook round the outside the first time and 'Nooo' when you did it a second time and slipped off but well held and a stirling drive back up the field.

ernie - 12/5/11 at 04:18 PM

Yes great video, what kit do you have?

skodaman - 12/5/11 at 04:33 PM

Exciting stuff. You seem to have no trouble overtaking apart from the guy who schumachered you.

steveiow - 12/5/11 at 06:43 PM

Originally posted by ernie
Yes great video, what kit do you have?

Its a GoPro HD Hero. I also have an ebay cheapie rear view camera, but wasnt using it at Cadwell.

steveiow - 12/5/11 at 06:47 PM

Originally posted by skodaman
Exciting stuff. You seem to have no trouble overtaking apart from the guy who schumachered you.

Yes, the car goes well, its the drivers ability to qualify anywhere near where I am capable of thats the issue.

Love the Schumacher comment, but he didnt realise I was there, I am sure, plus he waved me past when i caught up with him near the end, so presumeably realised he had tapped me off. It was always going to be a banzai move there at the top of the hill, but you dont get anywhere by being cautious all the time.

[Edited on 12/5/11 by steveiow]

procomp - 12/5/11 at 08:49 PM

Hi Steve

Not too bad there. A bit of driver refinement ( Apexes ) and you'll be on the money by mid season. Think we both need to up our qualifying efforts a bit.

Cheers Matt

PS your grass tracking skills seem fine.

[Edited on 12/5/11 by procomp]

ShaunB - 13/5/11 at 12:09 PM

Nice one Steve. If that was Richard Dixon who you bounced off then I think he waved you through at the end as his car was dying due to water loss. I started 23rd and finished 14th, I reckon I was half a lap behind you as I remember passing most of the same cars you did but about a mile later! That's a strong engine you've got.


steveiow - 13/5/11 at 03:42 PM

Thanks Shaun, yes I believe it was Richard.

I am very pleased with the engine, entrusted 2 builds to a local specialist on the Isle of Wight who has a great history of crossflows with Formula Ford albeit larger capacity of course. Setting them up at Tom Airey in Southampton was a great move as he has fine tuned the carbs on both engines a treat. One made 91bhp with loads of low down torque and a very flat and concistent power delivery, the spare we took a different route with and that one is an absolute screamer, power is all up the top and it revs and revs, but is 4bhp less at 87. Just need to work out which circuit might suit the spare engine. At present I think the engine I am running will be staying in the car until it needs a refresh.

Richd - 13/5/11 at 06:45 PM

Yep it was me, Sorry mate was not expecting your visit on the outside. I was recovering from a similar incident which you can see in the first few seconds where I was bundled onto the grass. Sorry to spoil what looked like a stirling drive.

steveiow - 13/5/11 at 09:09 PM

Thats ok Rich. Am I right in thinking you are the man who can supply me a couple of wishbones - need to replace the one I have nicked from my spares afer that crash in the final at Cadwell.