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Donnington 16/17th
matt.c - 29/8/06 at 07:30 PM

Who's going?

Which day?

saturday track action will be kit cars.

Sunday track action will be racing.

j30fos - 29/8/06 at 07:38 PM

a few of us westy guys are going on the 16th so any 7's from the north west are welcome to join our convoy :-)

chrisj - 29/8/06 at 09:12 PM

Booked for the 16th from Peterborough. Has anybody booked for the track ?

Catpuss - 29/8/06 at 10:13 PM

I think I'm probably going to take the nipper on the Sat.

skidude88 - 30/8/06 at 11:46 AM

Does anyone know if it'll be free entry again for kits this year?

Doesn't say anywhere on their site or the limelight link, just that its £9 pre and £10 on the day.

Assume it was free last year?..... that or <awinter> Just Er........"Quietly" snuck in!!

dave-69isit - 1/9/06 at 12:26 PM

driver free passernger full price

wilkingj - 1/9/06 at 02:05 PM

B*gger its a 500 mile round trip... I would be too knackered to drive the track

At least I could use that 90 mile straight Race track called the M4

Doh! I thought I was replying to the Llandow thread!.
I hope to be a Donny... not sure which is the best day.

[Edited on 1/9/2006 by wilkingj]

matt.c - 5/9/06 at 06:53 PM

Looks like saturday will be the day to go.

Anyone else going?

mandbsheldon - 5/9/06 at 06:59 PM

Yep me.


simes43 - 6/9/06 at 02:29 PM

40 to 50 Locosts will be racing in the 750 championship on the 17th.

Come and say hi. My car is no 43

bob - 6/9/06 at 06:05 PM

I'm travelling up with ned saturday for the show and to sell a few bits,we will camp over for the crack and then watch the racing on sunday from our royal box

ASH3 - 6/9/06 at 06:34 PM

Arriving Fri night departing Sunday

"Bob hope you got loads a room for beer cause i aint!"
Whos got d Burgers?

bob - 6/9/06 at 09:51 PM

No worries andy i will have beer and a little bar-b-q and ned has charcoal from stoneleigh,i'll bring a burner and kettle too so creature comforts for us.

Bring a cup

chrisg - 7/9/06 at 06:13 PM

I'm probably go on the satuday, but I'm not camping because Bob sleepwalks and he wants me.....



bob - 7/9/06 at 06:37 PM

I'm pretty sure i've already had you chris

iiyama - 7/9/06 at 06:54 PM

I dont think Ill go now......or maybe I will and just not make my presence know to you lot!!!

givemethebighammer - 7/9/06 at 08:09 PM

I've got a few more tickets for the "Royal Box" as Bob calls it (Redgate Suite), drop me a U2U if you want one. Basically first come first served. Please only ask if you are definitely going to come as it would be a shame to waste them.

Details here:

Donington 17th Sept - Kit cars etc.

Not back until after the weekend - working away

U2U me your address and I'll post the ticket out on Tuesday next week first class.

Once they are gone they are gone.

Findlay234 - 7/9/06 at 10:34 PM

Do you know what, after a good while being absent from any meets or shows due to my uni and sporting careers i might just be able to make this one... havent seen you in a while guys...

bob - 8/9/06 at 06:11 PM

Would be nice to catch up fin

matt.c - 10/9/06 at 07:46 PM

Going on sat.

Hopefully catch up with some of you.



Trev D - 10/9/06 at 08:11 PM

I'll be there on Saturday and Sunday. My car will be on display in the main hall. Looking forward to meeting up and putting faces to names. Regards, Trev

matt.c - 10/9/06 at 08:26 PM

Hi trev. See your car last year there and would just like to say how impressed i was with your car and how much time you put into it.

I know what sort of work it was for you, me being a panel beater.

Nice to see some old school panel work

Would like very much to meet up with you.



Deckman001 - 10/9/06 at 09:03 PM

Am gunna try to make it Saturday as well, I still need quite a few bits for me car.
Ally Hubs can be brought to the show as well to save postage ??


Trev D - 10/9/06 at 09:11 PM

Hi Matt, look foward very much to meeting up with you over the week end. Thanks for the kind comments.
Regards Trev

theconrodkid - 11/9/06 at 04:41 AM

any other wlm members going up on the sunday wana car share?

chrisg - 11/9/06 at 09:30 PM

Originally posted by Trev D
Hi Matt, look foward very much to meeting up with you over the week end. Thanks for the kind comments.
Regards Trev

will you be wearing your T-Shirt Trev?



kipper - 11/9/06 at 10:21 PM

Does anyone know if the redgate pub bar thingy will be open Sat night or do we have to bring beer? Hik.....burp.

theconrodkid - 17/9/06 at 07:42 PM

well that was fun,nice to see some old faces again,some good close racing,nice tea in the royal box,cheers again for that Will

bob - 17/9/06 at 10:18 PM

yep big thanks to wil for the royal box tickets, i enjoyed the locost racing

Also thanks to ned for giving me and my stuff a lift up there,and bringing me and my new zorst (thanks MK sportscars) and new can (thanks paul907)back also conrodkid for bringing back my new bonnet.

Did i forget to thank anyone

ned - 18/9/06 at 06:54 AM

You're welcome Bob, thanks for helping blag me and the other half in for free

and big thanks to Will again for the box tickets, great spot and nice day out after the dismal show.


givemethebighammer - 18/9/06 at 07:34 PM

Thats OK guys, I spoke to the owner of the royal box this morning to thank her, she was glad we all enjoyed ourselves. Her son Leon didn't do so well at Silverstone on Sunday (came off on his first race and came third in his second). Only Brands left in two weeks time so he is going to have to ride really well to win the championship.

[Edited on 18/9/06 by givemethebighammer]

chrisg - 18/9/06 at 09:36 PM

Just wanted to say thanks for the box ticket Wil, What a great spot to watch the racing from!



bob - 19/9/06 at 08:19 AM

I didnt get a chance to get back to the infield and see the new Haynes how to build a cheap sportscar version 3 or 2 or book 3.

I could have got myself a copy signed by the author