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Just great!
jonbeedle - 7/5/07 at 08:54 AM

Bounded out of bed at the crack of dawn today to be met with that familiar of British Bank holiday sights, miserable drzzling rain. I had hoped against all hope that the weather chaps had been talking bollards, as has been the case in recent years but no, they just happened to be right!
So as you may have guessed I ain't going to Stonleigh! Will I ever get my car to the show now it's on the road?
Two and a half hours of motorway in the piddling rain in an open top jalopy isn't mine or the wife's idea of a pleasant day out, so horlicks to it I'll have to wait until next year.
I hope everyone who went had a good time. I wish I could have gone yesterday but I was working!
Sorry to those I had arranged to meet, maybe you didn't bother either. Oh well never mind, here's to global warming and climate change!

graememk - 7/5/07 at 09:22 AM

nice and sunny here in lincs mate

David Jenkins - 7/5/07 at 10:15 AM

I was going to drive up yesterday (Sunday) in the toy car, but chose not to due to the weather forecast...
...went in the tintop, and of course it was dry all day.


zilspeed - 7/5/07 at 10:56 AM

Originally posted by CaLviNx

Rain ?

Its blo*dy glorious sunshine here, has been all morning since i got up at 6 !!!

must be global warming...

You're having the rain later this afternoon.
Started off clear this morning down here. Now getting cloudy.

Enjoy yourself while it stays dry.

Bluemoon - 7/5/07 at 11:06 AM

Dryed and sunny again in Oxford now... No tellling what the weather will do today...


mangogrooveworkshop - 7/5/07 at 11:31 AM

Dry and sunny in Fife.......

rusty nuts - 7/5/07 at 02:41 PM


richard thomas - 7/5/07 at 07:48 PM

Aye, more than likely....did you manage to sell the MX5 ?

jonbeedle - 7/5/07 at 09:08 PM

Newark it is then!

DIY Si - 7/5/07 at 10:04 PM

Must seem a shame it was sunny at Stoneleigh this afternoon then! I drove home with all the windows open in the tintop.

rusty nuts - 8/5/07 at 05:14 PM

Not sure about the MX5 yet , got someone interested but better get the throttle pot problem on the Luego sorted before I let it go .