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MotaLeira Photons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nitram38 - 5/12/08 at 03:34 PM

Trial fitted the lights supplied by Russ Bost today.
I didn't get much done as I spent the 5 hours stripping the panels off the F1-2 for repainting. The new owner (yes it is sold!) wants it white.
First photo, the light is not on but a reflection from the flash and sorry that the last one is a bit blurred. I'm to knackered to do any more today!





Mr Whippy - 5/12/08 at 03:36 PM


speedyxjs - 5/12/08 at 03:37 PM

V, V

Hammerhead - 5/12/08 at 03:44 PM

looking good. I always liked f1/2 when I saw it in real life! glad you got it sold.

cloudy - 5/12/08 at 04:10 PM

Looks good Martin !

I used a threaded bar with an aluminium spacer to mount the lights, did you buy the photon mounts too?


adithorp - 5/12/08 at 04:28 PM

Looks good. Are your side lights in them as well or are you having seperate ones?


nitram38 - 5/12/08 at 04:41 PM

Cloudy any close ups of your mounts?
I did buy the mounts from Russ.
I will be fitting seperate side lights at the front on stalks, along with indicators, just in front of the top wishbone.

adithorp - 5/12/08 at 04:52 PM

I just wondered about the "position lamps" because if they were in the inner h/lamp they might not have met the angles of visability requirements.

I should have guessed that you'd have it covered!


cloudy - 5/12/08 at 05:02 PM

Not at the moment, chassis is apart for paint...

Its just a threaded bar from the chassis, then passing through the mounting eyes on the light body themselves - then a spacer, then the next light - then a domed nut on the end....


nitram38 - 5/12/08 at 05:07 PM

Originally posted by adithorp
I just wondered about the "position lamps" because if they were in the inner h/lamp they might not have met the angles of visability requirements.

I should have guessed that you'd have it covered!


The requirement for the headlight is for only the dipped beam to be no more than 400mm from the edge of the bodywork (both must also be on when you switch to main beam).
Guess which light is on the outside

nitram38 - 5/12/08 at 05:09 PM

Originally posted by cloudy
Not at the moment, chassis is apart for paint...

Its just a threaded bar from the chassis, then passing through the mounting eyes on the light body themselves - then a spacer, then the next light - then a domed nut on the end....


James, how will you move them left to right if you mount them this way?
I thought that they might need aiming to the nearside slightly to pass.

adithorp - 5/12/08 at 05:33 PM

Thats why I asked about the side lights. If they were in the inner h/lamps then you'd have been borderline with 45' inward and 15' downward and not been obscured by the nose. As you've got them separate its a mute point.


cloudy - 5/12/08 at 05:36 PM

I can bend the bar for small adjustments, or make up unparallel washers to cater for large changes....

Originally posted by nitram38
Originally posted by cloudy
Not at the moment, chassis is apart for paint...

Its just a threaded bar from the chassis, then passing through the mounting eyes on the light body themselves - then a spacer, then the next light - then a domed nut on the end....


James, how will you move them left to right if you mount them this way?
I thought that they might need aiming to the nearside slightly to pass.

Sonic7 - 5/12/08 at 10:59 PM

Hi, Like the lights, and the car of course, who is this Russ Bost ? And where can I obtain a set of these lights from ? Please can you provide details. Many Thanks Nigel

cloudy - 5/12/08 at 11:09 PM

He's a member here:

chrsgrain - 6/12/08 at 10:37 AM

I'm a bit disappointed with this post really.... usually look forward to the Motaleira updates.... but from the title, and indeed the first picture I thought you had fitted photon torpedoes.... which would have been very cool.

Then I see its just some poxy lights... ah well.


nitram38 - 6/12/08 at 12:37 PM