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any bike electrics know alls? possible reg/rec issue
Meeerrrk - 17/3/09 at 07:18 PM

please see my thread in the electrics forum? linky

im wondering if my regulator/rectifier is going up its own bum, any thoughts anyone?

handyandy - 17/3/09 at 10:06 PM

Hi, i,m not an electrician but IMO i don,t think it is the regulator, if it was up the swanny it would more than likely not allow power to the lights at all, i admit i maybe wrong but i think problem is elsewhere,
such as..... is there something else getting current all the time that maybe shouldn,t be?
i,m speaking from a similar prob i had on my honda vfr, similar electrics, i traced it to a short direct to the frame, so was losing the volts/amps ( whatever the flow is called) prior to reaching the rectifier/regulator. once located the prob & fixed the short all was well again,
its a long shot but maybe something in it.
