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Unshelving project - what's the donor situation?
wormscoffer - 31/8/15 at 03:52 PM

Hello all

Excuse my laziness but rather than trawl through a couple of years of posts I thought I'd ask.

I've built a Haynes Roadster chassis but not got as far as the suspension. Before I pick up the project (been sitting 4/5 years) what's the current situation on donor cars? Sierras were hard enough to come by a few years ago so should I still be looking for one or can I deviate from the book for another donor car?



micksalt - 31/8/15 at 04:09 PM

MX-5 is the new donor of choice. As long as your project didn't get too far, this will still be an option. You say you stopped short of making suspension, but have you made the differential supports yet? The MX-5 diff mounts very differently to a Sierra.

wormscoffer - 31/8/15 at 04:44 PM

Nothing I can't backtrack on.

Right....I'm off to see if there's a new/updated book.


twybrow - 31/8/15 at 07:37 PM

Whereabouts are you? I know of two Sierra languishing that r need to find their way into a kit! - 31/8/15 at 07:57 PM

Can still get Sierra donor bits, I've seen full packages around £400

mark chandler - 31/8/15 at 08:03 PM

My Sierra 4x4 cost me £100, and it ran well, that's inflation for you!

I guess the last few got crushed in the government scrap scheme - 31/8/15 at 08:10 PM

I've only paid approx£200 for my donor bits from various sources and waiting for it to come along

ReMan - 31/8/15 at 08:57 PM

Plenty of sierra parts for the asking still even if not complete cars

ReMan - 31/8/15 at 08:57 PM

Plenty of sierra parts for the asking still even if not complete cars

wormscoffer - 31/8/15 at 09:32 PM

I'm in France.

Would probably try and sort a donor when I'm in the UK (Nottinghamshire) and have a friend help in stripping then scrapping whatever I can sort out to bring the parts back home.

I've had a look round eBay for starters and it looks like there are still Sierras around and MX-5's aren't too expensive either. I've an update PDF for using the MX-5 so just considering my options now. From a cursory look it does seem the Mazda B (1.8) engine looks like it might be a good choice.

Thanks for the replies.

ReMan - 1/9/15 at 09:34 AM

For what you'll really use off a scabby doner , (unless you want the engine)I wouldnt bother with a car again.
Theres enough parts floating around for you to get them at a reasonable price without the hassel

hizzi - 1/9/15 at 04:22 PM

i am using mx5 donor and its going well, talon does a mount to allow the mx5 diff into the book chassis have a look at my build on thr roadster builders forum theres pictures

wormscoffer - 1/9/15 at 04:54 PM

I'm seeing some possible MX-5 donor vehicles at reasonable prices with nice twin cam/16V engines, 6 speed gearboxes and LSD rear axles. Unless I'm missing something that seems preferable to the Sierra options?

Hizzi - what should I search on to find your build thread?