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Chadderton Re Test. Passed!!!
mistergrumpy - 21/4/09 at 06:20 PM

I'm over the moon. I only got notice yesterday about half 3 that they would fit it in tonight starting at 5. They wouldn't do a weekend for a retest and I explained that I would have to go for IVA then. They were really helpful and did the 5 o clock one.
I was rushed off my arse yesterday running round and trying to sory a trailer out. Anyway all things fell into place today (just) and I got there. Had 2 testers John (I think. Grey hair) and Dave (? Glasses and dark hair) Fantastic people, helpful and interested in making it pass.
So I'm sat here with a MAC! Me, with a MAC I can't believe it, I'm on a real high and don't know my head from my elbow at the moment I'm that happy.
Apologies for the gloating to anyone that's struggling to get through


oldtimer - 21/4/09 at 06:22 PM

Great news, and very nice to see the testers being so compliant. I should imagine the testing stations are booked to overflowing, Did anybody fail to get a SVA test slot??

locoR1 - 21/4/09 at 06:23 PM

Congratulations!!!!! now would be a good time to ask Chris to change your user name

mistergrumpy - 21/4/09 at 06:26 PM

They said at the moment they're having 3 kit car tests a day there and a lot are coming through in a semi finished state.
Mr Over-The-Moon now! I'm just going to change the building part of my profile to 'built' now.

RichardK - 21/4/09 at 06:35 PM

top new, well done, now grab a beer!


rusty nuts - 21/4/09 at 06:40 PM

Nice one, not so grumpy now ?

adithorp - 21/4/09 at 07:15 PM

Result!!! Nice one!

I was starting to expect a "Gallon of petrol and a match" post.

Can you wave your warrent card down at DVLA and get the registration sorted quick?...Stoneleigh coming up!


mistergrumpy - 21/4/09 at 07:28 PM

Well. I may very well have that in mind already Don't really want to trailer it back up there for their inspection and I'm aware that some stations have the police inspect it so I'm going to try my luck.

Fozzie - 21/4/09 at 07:34 PM

Awwww mistergrumps.......just totally gobsmackedly super chuffed for you....

I know you were so down with the build a while back....couldn't see the light at end of tunnel......and now..... you have gone and done it!!!!!!

Couldn't be more happy for you!

Well done!

stevegough - 21/4/09 at 07:41 PM

congratulations neighbour! (nearly).

I'll have to go to chadderton when I finish mine in 20?? - hope those helpful guys are not retired by then!

Well done, now take on the might of the DVLA!


mistergrumpy - 21/4/09 at 07:45 PM

Cheers Fozzie. I had one good day a few weeks back and managed to sort everything all at once, it was amazing. I had a bias valve that was blocking all pressure so I drilled the top and found the fault, I found a small leak on one of the outlets on my new MC and stopped that sucking air and it then worked and biggest thing of all I read something of no real relevance but something went through my head and I went and looked at the carbs and I had blocked off the breather with a cap off the new MC without really noticing what I'd done and when i removed it the thing fired up great and allowed me tweek it. It's ran better than ever since then! A real turning point that day was.
DVLA next then like Steve says, see what their might is like!

Fozzie - 21/4/09 at 08:03 PM

It just takes that one good day to get that 'final push' ...... so very pleased for you!

I hope your DVLA visit goes smoothly.


Gezza - 21/4/09 at 08:45 PM

Well done mister very happy, great feeling isnt it, never met but i am only in bury, perhaps a ride out one day? theres a few around these parts, Adithorpes close perhaps we could arrange a gang for brekky one day? good luck with dvla.

regards gerry

adithorp - 21/4/09 at 09:13 PM

Originally posted by Gezza
close perhaps we could arrange a gang for brekky one day?

regards gerry

Always thinking about food as usual...but it does sound like a plan!


Dangle_kt - 21/4/09 at 10:54 PM

Well done mate.

I'm really pleased for you.

When you presented it first time, was it running ok or not? If not, did they do the test anyway?

if sorting a trailer is difficult, your welcome to borrow mine any time. Its a bit of a squeeze to get it on, but works fine.

Mates rates applies - free, but you break it, it gets robbed, you buy it

I'm in liverpool if it helps get a trailer for the DVLA inspection?

[Edited on 21/4/09 by Dangle_kt]

mistergrumpy - 22/4/09 at 04:28 PM

A run out sounds good once I've tackled the DVLA.
Dangle. First time I took it the engine had a slight misfire which affected the sound test by 1 dB and he wouldn't test the speedo above 50mph because of it. Their emmissions tester wouldn't work and then to top it off I turned it off for a brew and the immobiliser threw a fit and wouldn't let me restart so for what was left of the test (please look away if you are a VOSA manager) he let me and my brother run up and down the station pushing it while he did the rest

matt.c - 22/4/09 at 10:12 PM

Well done mate.

Now get it on the road and spank that zx9!!

welderman - 22/4/09 at 10:20 PM

Thats another in this area, well done, ive got my dvla inspection on tuesday, so hope alls well and i get on the road soon, Adrian i owe you breakky anyway, your car is going to be slower than mine mate if you carry on eating. .

Richard Quinn - 23/4/09 at 05:46 AM

Well done! As you know from my post, I've also got Dave's signature on the correct bit of paper now.
As well as the Greater Manchester/Lancs Kit population growing, there appears to be a growing contingent in the South Wirral/Wirral/Liverpool area as well now so perhaps we can find somewhere between the two areas to all meet up when we get sorted with DVLA

adithorp - 23/4/09 at 07:35 AM

Originally posted by welderman
Adrian i owe you breakky anyway, your car is going to be slower than mine mate if you carry on eating. .

Oyy, I've got a long way to go before my car+PASSENGER wieght matches yours. Still, if everyone who's promised me a butty buy's them at the same time, it'll look like one of those eating contests!


mistergrumpy - 23/4/09 at 03:03 PM

Anyone got the new number for the DVLA centre. I have the 8748991 but it says that the number is not recognised.