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How old should I accept R888 to be ? NEW
sorens2 - 14/6/11 at 08:31 PM

Just bought new tyres from a dealer in the UK.
They are produced in week 20 in 2007.

Should I complain about that ?
I´m going to the Ring on friday so I´m pretty fooged.

And I dont go there to go slow so I need the tyres as soft as possible.

Soren S2

rayward - 14/6/11 at 08:37 PM

i'd read 6 years was the shelf life of tyres, but it will depend on how/where they've been stored too i would imagine


designer - 14/6/11 at 08:37 PM

According to most tyre technicians those tyres are half way through their life as tyres apparently start to age after seven years.

scootz - 14/6/11 at 08:45 PM

I wouldn't be too impressed if they were bought for a driven-only-on-a-sunny-sunday-garage-queen-mobile, but they'll be fine if you're just going to shred them on the 'Ring!

sorens2 - 14/6/11 at 08:55 PM

But when we buy tyres for real racecars we buy them at the very last minute and we store them in plastic bags with Nitrogen as that doesent age them.
I´m not just going to rip them on the Ring.
I need as much speed as possible and I dont get that from old tyres.

Soren S2

nick205 - 14/6/11 at 09:04 PM

Is there any advice on the Toyo website?

jeffw - 15/6/11 at 05:37 AM

If they are GG compound then I don't believe that it is a problem. If they are SG or GGG then they will have lost most of the additive chemicals that make them soft(er). Toyo say the SG or GGG have a shelf life of 12 months.

sorens2 - 15/6/11 at 05:20 PM

They are SG wich states that I want them as soft as possible.

This is what they answered from

What kind of answer is that ?
I buy racing tyres to race. Not to drive around on 5 year old tyres.
I think this attitude is very poor. I thought camskill was one of the better companies.


Eu law states a tyre can be sold up to 5 years old, We have had no new R888
in this year due to the Toyo plant being at Sendai Japan, so we are buying
direct off Toyo UK

Please Note: We have problems with private customers in Greece, Italy &
Spain asking for the DOT codes of tyres and wanting them only 1-2 months

We cannot guarantee that the tyres have specific DOT codes.

The tyres we buy are mainly from UK suppliers but UK manufacturers can
supply us tyres 3-5 years old especially on slow moving sizes,
although we have fast moving stocks and the tyres are usually the latest
dates but we cannot guarantee this.

We cannot specify DOT codes to our suppliers and they cannot tell us the DOT
codes of the tyres as they do not hold this information in the UK.

In the UK all manufacturers offer a 5 year manufacturing defects warranty.

The UK is a cold and wet region so there are not problems with the heat and
dry atmosphere drying-out and making old the rubber on tyres which there is
in Mediterranean countries.

jeffw - 18/6/11 at 06:27 AM

Actually I think it is a very good answer. Camskill are one of the better companies. You asked a question and they have given you a full answer, the point is there are no new SG tyres currently due to the earthquakes in Japan.