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ALEXARAS - 9/11/09 at 11:09 AM

I had the bad luck to deal with Darren.

I provided a downpayment for the following parts:

Complete 11 piece bodykit
Bonnet bulge
Handbrake lever
Front and Rear Lights
Indicator mounts
Stainless stalks

I went myself to pick all the items up. (At this point I would like to mention that the bodykit provided was ordered from another person (who most probably never received it). As I would export them to Greece.

All items were there apart from the bonnet bulge, the stainless stalks and front indicators.

I paid for all including postage for the items he didn't manage to have in stock (total cost was around 1200GBP!) with the promise that he was to send the remaining items ASAP.

That was in May 2008!!! Since then I have sent this guy at least one email per month... And have received NOTHING OFCOURSE! Not even a reply.

Also the bodykit is not a direct fitment on a Locost chassis as it is longer and need a lot of modification.

This is the worst company I have ever dealt with in my life. Including some of the bad Greek ones. I can't understand how people work like that.


I am sure he follows the forum therefore I would like to give him the very last opportunity until the 20th of November to send me the remaing parts. On the 23rd of November my uncle who is a lawyer in London will deal with this case as I had enough.

[Edited on 11/9/2009 by ALEXARAS]

thunderace - 9/11/09 at 11:18 AM

if you looked at all the bad posts about him on this forum and then bought somthing from him its your own fault.

(you got you got most of your stuff your lucky unlike me i got no refund nothing just his glass guy talking nice to me on the phone saying darren will sort it and he will phone me back asap.)

Front Row Joe - 9/11/09 at 11:20 AM

All too common i'm afraid. He seems to have gone off the radar at the moment. I'd like to go and collect my items but I'm not sure i can be certain he would be there. It would be a 10 hour round trip for me. I have been waiting since may and have only had some items delivered.

l0rd - 9/11/09 at 11:21 AM

Pop Corn orders now taken.

Ante Alexara Kalh tixi


BenB - 9/11/09 at 11:23 AM

Where's my folding deckchair, this is going to take some time.

mookaloid - 9/11/09 at 11:25 AM

It's not bad luck to deal with Darren - it's a calculated risk!

Everyone should know by now how he does business and that should be taken into account when dealing with him.

Having said that if you can actually get your stuff it should be good quality

blakep82 - 9/11/09 at 11:25 AM

sounds familiar...

Flamez - 9/11/09 at 11:35 AM

perhaps you should all club together and take a "class" action out against him?

thunderace - 9/11/09 at 11:45 AM

as said

CraigJ - 9/11/09 at 12:24 PM

Who is darren? What company is it?

mookaloid - 9/11/09 at 12:32 PM

Originally posted by CraigJ
Who is darren? What company is it?

I can't believe there's someone here who doesn't know

Maybe that says something about me

Anyway for anyone is isn't absolutely sure who the OP is talking about, it's GTS

nitram38 - 9/11/09 at 12:59 PM

Should change his name to GiTS

imp paul - 9/11/09 at 01:09 PM

i have also had the same as you get promised 1 thing and then get robbed blind from a engine tuner made me some parts not fit for the job never again for me we should have a page so we can put all the bad firms on it for all to see i feel this would be a good thing ?

zoom - 9/11/09 at 01:24 PM

Thats not bad service, infact thats quite good as you recieved almost all of your order. Darren must have been having a bad day and almost completed your order, but don't worry I think service is back to normal now!

mookaloid - 9/11/09 at 01:37 PM

Originally posted by imp paul
i have also had the same as you get promised 1 thing and then get robbed blind from a engine tuner made me some parts not fit for the job never again for me we should have a page so we can put all the bad firms on it for all to see i feel this would be a good thing ?

I think for legal reasons that wouldn't be such a good idea, but I can see where you are coming from

eddie99 - 9/11/09 at 03:53 PM

So you've paid for everything, out of £1100 of stuff he still owes you stainless stalks and a pair of side repeaters. And you had to mod the bonnet like everyone has to?
And your saying that hes the worst company you've ever dealt with?

Edit: And seriously a lawyer, for £40 worth of bits?

[Edited on 9/11/09 by eddie99]

ashg - 9/11/09 at 04:02 PM

i personally think its the year and a half bit that pissed him off

scootz - 9/11/09 at 04:29 PM

Originally posted by thunderace
if you looked at all the bad posts about him on this forum and then bought somthing from him its your own fault.


... I'm sure Alexaras knows all that now, but doesn't need you to kick him in the balls too.

As for legal recourse - if he's been done out of £1 or £1000 then it makes no odds... he's been done! There's a reason why certain companies continually give bad service - it's called apathy and if anyone wants to make a stand then I applaud them!

T66 - 9/11/09 at 06:09 PM

ten hour trip or not....

go sit and wait of him at his premises, if he turns up and wont supply goods to the value or refund , your prefectly entitled to take something off him to the value of .....

If this guy is purporting to be running a business then can the small claims court not help ?

Or a feedback system in the for sale section so we can see what we perform like as buyers & sellers. Once a sale is completed then stick a line on the thread to confirm the seller/buyer is straightforward.

He deserves no trade if this is how he conducts a business on here.

tripadvisor has the hotels on their toes whether they like it or not.

Up the revolution

MikeR - 9/11/09 at 06:27 PM

Originally posted by Minicooper
I don't care about legal reasons this is fact.
I'll start

Content removed by Admin


Thanks for nothing!!! the problem with your approach is that its the web site that gets targetted not you. Therefore we all lose out cause you don't care about the law.

Whilst I do sympathise with you - would you please either check that what i've written is wrong or remove your post.

(i'm not a lawyer just aware that a few forums have almost been shutdown by lawyers hired by companies).

[Edited on 9-11-09 by Fozzie]

Fozzie - 9/11/09 at 06:48 PM

This thread by the OP by alexaras is about his dealing with Darren of GTS.

Please do not go off topic with your own issues.

For legal reasons one post has been deleted, and those who have quoted please edit your post to remove the said quote/s.

Thank you,
Fozzie (Admin)

Confused but excited. - 9/11/09 at 06:57 PM

Small Claims Court is absolutely useless. You will get a judgement but it is NOT enforcible.
The legal option is to sue in the civil courts. This takes ages and if he hasn't got the cash, you pay your legal costs, which could be more than you are claiming.
The more traditional methods seem to be more cost effective and successful in my experience.

Minicooper - 9/11/09 at 08:56 PM

Originally posted by Fozzie
This thread by the OP by alexaras is about his dealing with Darren of GTS.

Please do not go off topic with your own issues.

For legal reasons one post has been deleted, and those who have quoted please edit your post to remove the said quote/s.

Thank you,
Fozzie (Admin)

What are you afraid of? It's about time scum bags are named and shamed I will take full responsibility


Minicooper - 9/11/09 at 09:01 PM

Originally posted by MikeR
Originally posted by Minicooper
I don't care about legal reasons this is fact.
I'll start

Content removed by Admin


Thanks for nothing!!! the problem with your approach is that its the web site that gets targetted not you. Therefore we all lose out cause you don't care about the law.

Whilst I do sympathise with you - would you please either check that what i've written is wrong or remove your post.

(i'm not a lawyer just aware that a few forums have almost been shutdown by lawyers hired by companies).

[Edited on 9-11-09 by Fozzie]

What is the matter with everyone I take full responsibility for everything I say and do


ALEXARAS - 9/11/09 at 09:10 PM

Gentlemen, guess what?!?
I received an email from my friend Darren!!!!!

I'll just copy-paste it. In fact as he mentions he has already asked to be posted. So here it goes:


Great post on Locost builders. You're a first rate wanker aren't you.

Get your facts straight before posting on there. You can shove your parts where the sun doesn't shine as far i'm concerned and i look forward to hearing from your uncle and he can get the same message. Perhaps i'll reply to your Uncle with my own solicitors letter regarding defamation of character etc. No mention of the excellent deal i gave you on the parts, because you wanted to set up and deal that never went any further. Basically a lie to get a discount. No mention of the quality of the parts that you were happy with, and the fact i went out of my way to provide you with the parts on a short turn around etc.

You email me every month do you? Its been 1.5 years has it? The body kit needs modification does it? That body kit was mean't for someone else who is still waiting for it is it? All these are facts are they? What about the £200 your mate owes me for seats i made for him? What about perhaps the 100's of bodykits i've made for Locosts that all fit, perhaps your chassis is the problem, or you need to trim the bonnet to length like i told you at the time. Its made slightly longer for a reason.

I've sent this reply to someone on Locostbuilders who will post it on there in full if you think you are going to cut and paste some of it to make me look bad, they'll get the full mail so they can judge for themselves.



Thank you for your reply. At least I now know you are not dead! Thank god. These are the only (good) news I've heard from you!

I'd like to also take the opportunity to thank you for your French. I did not know you have a multicultural background!!

I am glad I now have an official reply that you are not intending to send me goods that I have paid for.

Do you call a short turn around, a 2 month period? Do not forget that the bodykit was actually made before I came to you (I instist you personally told me for some one else)

Kindly reply to me, why haven't you replied to any of my emails for the past 1.5 years? All emails had an attachment which is a paper saying (I have it in front of me)
"To send:
Whit bonnet bulge
Stainless steel stalks
Clear front indicators"

I did get a good deal. And that was because I wanted to set up a Locost business and you could be my supplier. But you wouldn't send me parts costing 60pounds, how could i trust you to send a bigger order. I should be a retard!!!

I had the patience for 1.5 years. I did ask you kindly, I then had to be more strict, and I then had to warn you. But then you thought I was off to Greece and I would stop complaining at some point. Probably you put my email address into juck mail..

Also who is my friend who you made seats for??? Can I have his name please?? Did you send a pair of seats without being paid for? Come on Darren!!!!!!!

Based on you last paragraph, please, PLEASE JUST READ THE MEMBERS ANSWERS ABOVE, and judge yourself. Critisize yourseld and stop fulling people around.

You have the knowledge and you are a good person. Start acting professionally whilst you can. There are hundreds of replies with complaints. I would never want to be in your position.

Now that I know you are alive (these things trully matter to me not 60GBP). All I want is an apology for your French. Keep the parts and make a critisism whilst you can still save your business.

Its not a bad thing not to be able to provide everything to the customer. What it is bad is to give your word and then not have the disency to honor it. That's what makes a man..


Fozzie - 9/11/09 at 10:03 PM

Originally posted by Minicooper
Originally posted by Fozzie
This thread by the OP by alexaras is about his dealing with Darren of GTS.

Please do not go off topic with your own issues.

For legal reasons one post has been deleted, and those who have quoted please edit your post to remove the said quote/s.

Thank you,
Fozzie (Admin)

What are you afraid of? It's about time scum bags are named and shamed I will take full responsibility


If you were the site owner, that would be fine

But you are not, nor are you an it is not your 'call'.

Also the firm you mentioned are not part of this thread, nor a 'section' on this forum.

Fozzie ..... Admin

angliamotorsport - 10/11/09 at 03:47 PM

I'm sure this guy will meet his maker one day soon......... can't wait

DM - 16/11/09 at 05:16 PM

Originally posted by ALEXARAS

Perhaps i'll reply to your Uncle with my own solicitors letter regarding defamation of character etc.

you have got to be sh*ting me! LOL